von BK-Christian | 17.07.2022 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Ouroboros Miniatures: Sun & Moon STL Edition

Ourboros bringen einige ihrer Minis als STL wieder zu Kickstarter.

OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 1

Welcome everyone to the Kickstarter campaign for the STL files of Sun & Moon.  The files will comes in two supported sizes, namely 90mm and 200mm.  And we have a few cute newcomers!


You have the Sun Knight, devout follower of the Sun God, a fiery and strong warrior with everything about him representing his deity. I can just see him painted in bright and warm colours that embody the very essence of the Sun!

OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 2


And then you have the Moon Knight, a cool and brooding figure that operates under the cover of darkness, guided by the wisdom of the Moon Goddess. Very much a deadly warrior in her own right! Painted in moody hues that represent the colours that only moonlight can shower the world in.

OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 3

For more pictures click here!

The original resin versions were printed at roughly 90mm (with Sun coming in at 110mm!) and had no cuts on the body. This would make them harder to print on smaller printers so Arc from Atlas 3D Support Solutions did us a huge favour and made some nice cuts for them!

OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 4 OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 5 OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 6

Chibi Sun & Moon

We also had the master of chibi Heriberto Valle Martinez sculpt these two wonderful and cute versions of Sun & Moon!

OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 7 OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 8


We have pledges for Sun & Moon, Chibi Sun & Moon and a tier called Eclipse for all of them. We also have the option for a merchant license which includes all the files.


We also have add-ons available from our previous stl files campaigns. You can add these if you want and can find out more about them by clicking the pictures below;

OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 9 OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 10 OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 11 OM Sun & Moon STL Edition 12

There will be NO stretch goals in this campaign! We decided to put everything on the table from the start. Nice and easy!

Delivery info

When will you receive your files?

Backers will receive the STL files professionally pre-supported by Atlas 3D Support Solutions and unsupported distributed through MyMiniFactory within a month after campaigns ends. This is dependent on Kickstarter’s release of funds which is a 2+ week window post-campaign. All files will be released immediately after this.

Die Kampagne endet in 24 Tagen und ist finanziert.

Quelle: Sun & Moon STL Edition


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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