von BK-Bob | 30.10.2022 | eingestellt unter: Batman / DC Universe, Harry Potter

Knight Models: Voldemort & Blackfire Kult

Der Blackfire Kult geht in die Straßen Gothams und Voldemort bekommt ein erneutes Release.

KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Fold 1 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Fold 2 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Fold 3 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Fold 4 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Fold 5

Batman Miniature Game: Blackfire’s Fold – 39,95€

Terror was unleashed by the Blackfire’s flocks in Gotham City. Those that the people reject and only the Deacon gave them a place in his ruthless plan. Now the people are in danger and no one, not even Batman, will be able to come to their aid.


 – 4 detailed thermoplastic miniatures ready to assemble and paint.

 – 4 30 mm plastic bases.

Affiliation: These miniatures can be included in the Deacon Blackfire crew.

KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Maiden

Batman Miniature Game: Blackfire’s Maiden – 24,95€

Blackfire’s Maiden joins the cult! This strange woman with her face covered is Sally. A great devotee who has survived a very hard life. Now it is she who will take the desired revenge at the side of Deacon Blackfire.


– 1 detailed thermoplastic miniature ready to assemble and paint.

– 1 40 mm plastic base.

Affiliation: This miniature can be included in the Deacon Blackfire crew.

KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Reinforcements 1 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Reinforcements 2 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Reinforcements 3 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Reinforcements 4 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Reinforcements 5

Batman Miniature Game: Blackfire’s Reinforcements – 49,95€

People with fewer resources see the Deacon as a savior so they follow him in his particular justice. They will do whatever it takes to get you to meet his goals.


– 4 detailed thermoplastic miniatures ready to assemble and paint.

– 2 elliptical plastic bases.

– 1 40 mm plastic base.

– 1 30 mm plastic base.

Affiliation: These miniatures can be included in the Deacon Blackfire crew.

KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Worthy Ones 1 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Worthy Ones 2 KM Batman Miniature Game Blackfire's Worthy Ones 3

Batman Miniature Game: Blackfire’s Worthy Ones – 29,95€

When the Deacon’s followers began to take over Gotham City, the cityzens panicked that no one could help them. The national guard tried to exterminate them in the sewers to put an end to this terror, but they ended up being massacred. In the end, the Governor had no choice but to declare Gotham City a disaster area and asked the people to leave their homes if they wanted to survive.


– 2 detailed thermoplastic miniatures ready to assemble and paint.

– 2 40 mm plastic bases.

Affiliation: These miniatures can be included in the Deacon Blackfire crew.

KM Batman Miniature Game Cults Blackfire Card Pack

Batman Miniature Game: Cults: Blackfire Card Pack – 15,00€

Objective cards from the Blackfire’s cult and the general objective cards of the cults.


  • Common The Cult Cards:

2x Sacrifice

3x Ritual

2x New Followers

2x Can Be Anyone

2x Full Devotion

  • Blackfire Cult Specific Cards:

3x Where the Trail Ended

3x Tempted to Despair

3x I See…

  • Character Objective Cards:

3x This is the Evil [Deacon Blackfire]

1x Join the Fold [Young Woman]

1x The Unworthy [Jake Baker]

  • Other cards:

1x Special card (Faith rules)

KM Batman Miniature Game Deacon Blackfire 1 KM Batman Miniature Game Deacon Blackfire 2 KM Batman Miniature Game Deacon Blackfire 3

Batman Miniature Game: Deacon Blackfire – 39,95€

Deacon Blackfire is the religious leader of a cult that was hiding in the sewers of Gotham City. He is said to be immortal and that he has great physical strength. That is why his followers pay him loyalty and help him in his mission to rid Gotham City of the evil that contaminates it.

-1 detailed thermoplastic miniature ready to assemble and paint.
-1 Totem.
-1 60 mm plastic base.

Affiliation: This miniature can be included in the Deacon Blackfire crew.

KM Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort – 39,95€

He Who Must Not Be Named, Lord Voldemort, is the most terrifying wizard of all time. His radical ideals and his horrible acts were feared by many but praised by his followers, as they believed in a world equal to the one he promised.


– 1 detailed thermoplastic miniature ready to assemble and paint.

– 1 60 mm plastic base.

Quelle: Knight Models


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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  • Dass der Voldemort erneut erscheint ist echt ein Witz. Der war halt „Pre-Order Exclusive“ als das Harry Potter Spiel erschien.

    Ich weiß, dass oft danach gefragt wurde und es freut mich ja auch für alle, die ihn all die Jahre haben wollten. Das regulär erschienene Modell ist ja auch bei weitem nicht so toll.

    Aber die Marketing Strategie von Knight Models ist schon seit langem zweifelhaft. Manche Exklusives sieht man jedes Jahr mindestens zum Black Friday, andere sieht man nie wieder, einen Bruce Wayne, den viele gerne hätten, bekam man nur bei Turnieren, die außerhalb Spaniens kaum stattgefunden haben.

    Immer dieses Anreize setzen durch Limitierung, von der niemand weiß, ob sie tatsächlich gültig ist.

    • Wenn mich nicht alles täuscht, haben die den Voldemort auch schon am Black Friday für -50% rausgehauen.

  • Mal wieder einige „schöne“ Modelle & faszinierende Bemalung!

    Die Gossengang erinnert mich voll an den Rat King von Turtles. ^^

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