von BK-Herr Kemper | 02.08.2021 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Star Wars

Squamos Miniatures: Maverick 2 Crew & Speeder Add-On

Squamos Miniatures veröffentlicht STL Miniaturen, die sich im Star Wars Universum zuhause fühlen – allerdings nicht Teil davon sind… Alternative Versionen und Add-Ons zu bestehenden Sets.

Squamos Minis 2 Squamos Minis 3 Squamos Minis 4 Squamos Minis 5 Squamos Minis 6 Squamos Minis 7 Squamos Minis 8


The crew of Maverick Two were thought to be too reckless, ruthless, and downright dangerous to be trusted with delicate infiltration operations. They were unfortunately never elevated to number one and their deeds are yet unwritten, shrouded in mystery and whispered about by the modular sci-fi guerrilla troops. But, if you purchase, print and paint these daring would-be heroes, you can create their stories in your own roleplaying and table-top war games!

The Zip file contains six, highly detailed STL files and six supported versions, for you to print at home on your SLA resin printer. You can have a go printing them on an FDM printer too if you like, but they’ve not been tested on those.

Squamos Minis 9 Squamos Minis 10 Squamos Minis 11 Squamos Minis 12 Squamos Minis 13 Squamos Minis 14 Squamos Minis 15 Squamos Minis 1

RAAT/i add-on for AA5 Speeder Truck – STL – 5,00 GBP

RAAT/i add-on for the AA5 Speeder Truck!

Expand your Star Wars Legion options with this STL add-on for the AA5 which turns it into the formidable Rebel Air Assault Transport/Infantry or RAAT/i. Able to clear any drop site and defend itself with its twin AG-2G Quad Laser sponsons and Zann rocket pods.

This kit, once printed, has been designed to attach to the AA5 kit by Fantasy Flight Games without the need for glue, or modifying your existing model in any way. So even if you’ve already built and painted your AA5 you can still use this set to convert it for a fun game between friends, and then return it to a tournament-ready state! The sponsons will fit around open or closed side doors, and the side guns can be posed how you like them without the need for glue. Even the engines can click-rotate for VTOL operations! The engines at the back are covered by a rear troop deployment door (non-opening). There is also landing gear for landing and a flight base for flying! Hurrah!

This kit does not include the AA5 Speeder Truck, please buy one from Fantasy Flight Games.

Link: Squamos Shop

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Das Upgrade-Kit ist ja genial. Okay Copyrights dürften ihm leider schnell ein Ende bereiten aber das wäre ein super Dropship für so viele Systeme

  • Cooles Addon, um aus der hässlichen Flugschachtel der Rebellen von SW Legion einen oordentlichen Transporter zu machen. Das kommt ja fast schon eoner Total Conversion gleich. Tolle Idee – die 5 Pfund für die STL sind da gut angelegt, wenn man die Möglichkeit hat, die Teile anschließend selber oder zumindest günstig zu drucken..

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