von BK-Herr Kemper | 22.08.2021 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

Mantic: Hellboy Late Plege

Mantic bietet einen Late Pledge für den letzten Hellboy Kickstarter an.

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Mantic – Hellboy

Did you miss the Hellboy: The Board Game Expansions and Dice Game Kickstarter earlier in the year? Well, don’t worry because late pledges are available now. Like, RIGHT NOW!

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The appropriately named Pledge of Doom comes with four new expansions – Storm and the Fury, Pandemonium, Hell on Earth and End of Days. These expansions add new minions, powerful new bosses and new Agents to tackle these terrible threats!

You also get Hellboy: The Dice Game. The Dice Game is perfect for when you want some Hellboy action while on the go – or you just don’t have time to play a full game.

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As part of the late pledges, you can also be the first to order the brand-new resin diorama: Drinking with Skeletons. Inspired by one of Hellboy’s most memorable quotes, this diorama comes with a special Deck of Doom card that can be mixed into your games of Hellboy: The Board Game.

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The late pledge also gives you the opportunity to order the Conqueror Worm expansion – featuring Lobster Johnson and Roger the Homunculus. This is the first time Conqueror Worm has been available as a standalone expansion outside of the original Kickstarter. Complete your collection with the Conqueror Worm expansion.

Link: Mantic Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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      • Jupp. So isses. Und das Schlimmste daran ist, dass Hellboy richtig gut ist, und noch sehr viel Potential hat. Das könnten die einfach regulär erweitern, und Kickstarter Backer wie Fans wären glücklich.

  • Bin immer noch unentschlossen ,das Grundpledge kostet 79 + 20 und bietet nicht gerade viel ,das Kartenspiel ist für mich nur Geldmacherei
    Warte wahrscheinlich auf den regulären Verkauf in D.

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