von BK-Herr Kemper | 07.02.2021 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Weird War

Kickstarter: MB1 Armoured Walker

Ein kleiner Kickstarter für den MB1 Armoured Walker und die Velocipede Dragoons – für das Codename Colossus Universum.


Die Kampagne:

A few previous backers have asked me, „what would a French walker in the Codename Colossus world look like?“ My first thoughts went to France’s (some would say the world’s) favourite science fiction artist Moebius. Inspired by some of his concept art (for 5th Element) and aesthetics, I have created these.

Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker2

This is a campaign for two 1/48 scale (suitable for 28mm gaming) resin kits in the Codename Colossus dieselpunk world. The tank sized MB1 Armoured Walker, and the smaller Velocipede Dragoon kit. They are both from the French forces.

MB1 Armoured Walker

The Codename Colossus MB1 Armoured is a 1/48 scale (suitable for 28mm gaming) polyurethane resin kit with a crew figure.

The kit requires assembly and painting. Modelling skills and tools  are needed.

When assembled, this kit can stand at 3 1/2″ tall, 4 3/4″ long, and 2 3/4″ wide (9cm x 12cm x 7cm).

Every leg can be independently posed with a ball joint. Hatches can be left open or close.


Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker3 Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker4 Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker5

Also available as digital STL files for 3D printing.

Pre-supported files are included purely out of goodwill. Due to the wide variety of 3D printers and settings, Machination Studio cannot guarantee that the files will print successfully on your machine and configuration.

Velocipede Dragoon

The Codename Colossus Velocipede Dragoon is a 1/48 scale (suitable for 28mm gaming) polyurethane resin kit with a crew figure.

The kit requires assembly and painting. Modelling skills and tools are needed.

When assembled, this kit can stand a little over 3 1/8″ tall and 3 1/8″ wide (8cm x 8cm).

Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker6 Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker7 Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker8

The wheel and chassis sections can be swiveled and posed.

Also available as digital STL files for 3D printing.

Supported files are included purely out of goodwill. Due to the wide variety of 3D printers and settings, Machination Studio cannot guarantee that the files will print successfully on your machine and configuration.

Why this new scale? And 28mm isn’t 1/48 scale.

Over the years of making kits, I am aware that some of you guys have used my kits for your miniature wargames. I have decided to design the kit more specifically for miniature wargames in the hopes of exposing my products to a new market.

I am well aware that 28mm tall figures roughly translates to 1/56 scale, but due to the heroic proportions of the figures, weapons and equipment at 1/48 scale look more naturalistic to the bulkier figures.

Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker1 Kickstarter MB1 Armoured Walker9

Pledge Level:

  • Velocipede Digita STL 12,00 SGD / Resin 30,00 SGD
  • MB1 Digita STL 27,00 SGD / Resin 75,00 SGD
  • Velocipede & MB1 Digital STL 37,00 SGD / Resin 102,00 SGD



Ende: 25. Februar 2021 02:58 CET

Stand: 4.500+ SGD (Ziel 5000 SGD)

Link: MB1 Velocipede Dragoon KS


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Das ist schon wieder so witzig und abstrus, dass man es sich leisten müsste, auch, wenn man das Setting selbst nicht hegt und pflegt…

  • ich finde den krabbler echt cool, nur schade, dass sie ihm eine so spezifische helmform gegeben haben.

  • Bei dem Krabbelpanzer musste ich an die Ohmu aus „Nausicaä aus dem Tal der Winde“ denken und das gefällt mir sehr! Mal überlegen, ob ich da noch einsteige.

  • Ich bin von den Französischen Krabblern leider nicht begeistert.. Aber Bob den deutschen schon! Deswegen warte ich da lieber auf den zweiten Kickstarter, hoffe er kommt. Der Designer ist aber echt cool und hat sich Sachen für die Wargames Atlantic WW1 Deutschen für umsonst auf seiner Seite (Granatenbeutel und Rucksäcke)..

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