von BK-Nils | 18.05.2021 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer / Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40.000

GW: Wochenvorschau und Previews

Kommenden Samstag marschieren weitere Untote in die Reiche der Sterblichen, während sich in der fernen Zukunft die Legionen der Fabrikwelten in Bewegung setzten und es gibt einen Schwung an weiteren Neuheiten und Previews.

Sunday Preview – Soulblight, Space Marines, and the Scions of Mars

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Soulblight, Space Marines, And The Scions Of Mars 1

We hope you’re sitting comfortably, as we have quite the preview ahead of us. If you need to, feel free to grab yourself a cup of tea (other beverages are also available) and treat yourself to a biscuit – we’ll wait.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Start Collecting! Soulblight Gravelords

Now you’ve pre-ordered the new battletome, what better way to begin or reinforce your Soulblight Gravelords collection than with this Start Collecting! set? With 20 Grave Guard and five Black Knights, you get a solid foundation for your army, and you also pick up the amazing new Wight King on Skeletal Steed (which is exclusive to this set at time of launch) to lead your deathless minions into battle.

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Dire Wolves

If you like the idea of your undead host marching into battle heralded by the sound of lupine howls, then be sure to bolster your collection with a unit or two of Dire Wolves. These ferocious predators serve the will of their immortal masters, racing ahead of all but the swiftest Gravelord riders to tear apart unwary prey with their slavering jaws. Available as a box of 10 miniatures, the Dire Wolves set provides your army with a vanguard unit that can speedily engage vulnerable enemies while your main host advances.

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Belladamma Volga, First of the Vyrkos

On the topic of Dire Wolves, the dread matriarch of the Vrykos Soulblight bloodline, Belladamma Volga, wields the power of the Lycancurse, enabling her to devolve her victims into these lupine beasts. Mounted atop Rothaback, a fearsome pack alpha, Belladamma is a master of sorcery whose command over Dire Wolves is absolute.

If you want to get the most from your Dire Wolves, enlist the service of this ancient vampire and your gribbly, undead murder-beasts will be more ferocious than ever. Oh, and as you’d expect from the vampire lord of her status, Belladamma is a deadly adversary in her own right.

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Radukar the Beast

In light of ‘recent events’ (no spoilers here!), Radukar underwent a hideous transformation into a hybrid form of vampiric monster. Now known as the Beast, he tears through anything in his path with wracking claws and an unearthly strength. As if that wasn’t enough, a pair of Vyrkos Blood-born loyally accompany their master, protecting his flanks and hewing down anyone fortunate enough to survive the initial onslaught of the Beast.

In his new and terrible form, Radukar is an unstoppable engine of destruction. If you add him to your army, all you need to do is point him in the direction of the heart of the enemy battleline and set him loose. He’ll slay them so hard your tabletop may even become permanently bloodstained by the slaughter…

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Radukar the Wolf and Radukar’s Court

Radukar the Wolf depicts the mighty vampire lord of Ulfenkarn as he was before his transformation into the Beast. Radukar’s Court, meanwhile, represents the motley inner circle of retainers who serve the undying lord of the city. These two sets are only available from Games-Workshop.com, so be sure to head online next weekend to pre-order Ulfenkarn’s foremost denizens.

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Kritza, the Rat Prince

The star of March’s first New Model Monday, Kritza’s transformation into an immortal vampire was far from intentional. Having been savaged almost unto death by Radukar, Kritza not only survived his ordeal but, by a quirk of fate, emerged as a fully fledged vampire – albeit one with a rodential twist.

Kritza’s unique apotheosis nonetheless makes him a formidable asset to a Soulblight Gravelords army. In addition to possessing the hitting power of a supernatural vampire, he can disappear into a swarm of rats only to morph back into his original form elsewhere, making him nigh unkillable.

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Lady Annika, The Thirsting Blade

This murderous vampire was also featured in a New Model Monday article back in March. By far the most bloodthirsty of a bloodthirsty species, Lady Annika is a whirling dervish of fang and blade once the gore starts to flow. Her slender blade passes on the strength of those whose vital fluids it spills to its maniacal wielder, ensuring Lady Annika’s blood-soaked rampages last as long as there are foes to slay.

Lady Annika’s ultra-violent presence will bolster the effectiveness of any attack on the enemy battleline, so if you need a bit of extra hitting power, look no further.

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Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm

Kainan’s Reapers

The answer is, of course, Nagash’s hand-picked Ossiarch warriors known as Kainan’s Reapers. The members of this highly aggressive warband get inspired by earning Tithe counters. They achieve this by killing their enemies and looting their bones for the choicest samples to take back to their master. They may have come in search of the Silent People first and foremost, but they’ll happily settle for the bones of anyone else who gets in their way, too.

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In addition to the six stunning miniatures that make up Kainan’s Reapers, the set includes 62 cards (plus six fighter cards) featuring gambits, upgrades, and objectives split between those that are unique to this warband and universal cards that are usable by any warband. Check in with us later this week for a look at all the new cards in the set, and get ready to pre-order Kainan’s Reapers from next weekend.

Next up, the Adeptus Mechanicus, Space Marines, Necrons, and even a legendary Drukhari gladiatrix are getting ready to take the galaxy by force – let’s check in with the upcoming Warhammer 40,000 pre-orders.

Warhammer 40.000

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus

Whether you wish to learn all about the Adeptus Mechanicus or seek to field them in battle, Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus is the source code you’re looking for. Luckily for you, it’s presented in a language you can understand rather than the binharic cant of its original form. Available as a 120-page hardback or thrice-blessed collector’s edition, the codex includes all the lore, bestiaries, new and improved rules (more on this in the coming days), and datasheets for the Adeptus Mechanicus, as well as a stunning miniatures showcase and more besides.

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Datacards: Adeptus Mechanicus

To help you make the most of your shiny new codex, you’ll want to grab a set of datacards too. This 57-card set includes easy-reference datacards for all of the Stratagems, Doctrina Imperatives, and Canticles of the Omnissiah available to the Adeptus Mechanicus and their mightiest forge worlds. These datacards make keeping track of your assets on the battlefield an absolute breeze (even Mars has wind, after all – those red dunes didn’t form all by themselves).

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Adeptus Mechanicus Dice Set

The first undeniable truth that the Tech-Priests learn upon their indoctrination into the Cult Mechanicus is that to channel the favour of the Omnissiah, one must bear the seal of the Cog Mechanicum. If you, too, seek to appease the Machine God in this manner, make sure you pick up this set of 20 dice, each of which bears the Cog Mechanicum in place of a 6 (which also serves as proof that they don’t just display 0s and 1s).

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Combat Patrol: Adeptus Mechanicus

The Adeptus Mechanicus are about to become the latest faction to welcome a bespoke Combat Patrol set to their range. This box comprises a hand-picked selection of Adeptus Mechanicus units designed to provide you with an easy way to start playing Warhammer 40,000 with your faction of choice.

It features a Tech-Priest Enginseer, an Onager Dunecrawler, three Kataphron Destroyers (or Breachers), and a squad of 10 Skitarii Rangers (or Vanguard) – making a 20 Power Level force all for less than buying the units individually. This Combat Patrol set is a no-brainer if you’re looking to start an army to serve the Omnissiah, but it also makes for a great addition to an existing collection.*

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Skitarii Marshal

Whether you’re after an alternative leader to a Tech-Priest or another support option for your Adeptus Mechanicus phalanx, a Skitarii Marshal is exactly what you’re looking for. Among the most senior Skitarii, Marshals have been chosen for their skill and expertise, and they make an excellent addition to your collection both on and off the battlefield.

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Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus

While we’re on the topic of Mars’ foremost agents, we’ve got some exciting news about Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus. While this immersive deep-dive into the way of the Cult Mechanicus may have been out on a number of platforms for a while, the game’s creators, Bulwark Studios, have been hard at work bringing it to Google Tablets and Apple iPads too. Well, the wait is now over, so grab your dataslate of choice, head over to the relevant app store, and download it today.

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Drukhari – Lelith Hesperax

It’s not just about the Adeptus Mechanicus next weekend for Warhammer 40,000 – all you realspace raiders out there can also pick up the undisputed queen of the arena herself, Lelith Hesperax. Available separately as a plastic miniature for the first time, this duellist extraordinaire is a must-have for any budding Archon who needs an enemy Warlord – or rival, for that matter – cutting down to size. After all, there are a great many ways to die in Commorragh.

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Necrons – Chronomancer and Flayed Ones

The Necrons also have reinforcements inbound next week in the form of the Chronomancer and Flayed Ones. Previously only available in Kill Team: Pariah Nexus, these kits are available to pre-order separately from next weekend.

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Adeptus Astartes – Captain with Master-Crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle and Heavy Intercessors

Similarly, the Space Marines half of the miniatures in Kill Team: Pariah Nexus – the hotly anticipated Heavy Intercessors and Gravis-armoured Captain toting a master-crafted heavy bolt rifle – will also be available to pre-order separately for the first time.

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Combat Patrols

The Necrons and Space Marines ranges are also about to be bolstered by Combat Patrol sets. Each is designed to be an army-in-a-box that’s ideal for representing a Patrol Detachment for Combat Patrol-sized games, they’re fantastic options for starting a new collection or bolstering an existing one, as they save you money compared to picking up their constituent units separately.

The Necrons set includes a choice of 10 Immortals or Deathmarks, and a Night Scythe or Doom Scythe, as well as a unit of swift Tomb Blades and an Overlord to lead them. Meanwhile, the Space Marines force comprises a unit of 10 Infiltrators, an Impulsor to carry them, a Lieutenant in Phobos Armour to lead them, as well as units of 3 Eliminators and 3 Suppressors for some hefty fire support.

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The New Imperial Fists Praetors Are Perfect for Butchering Iron Warriors

The sons of Dorn may have been left behind on Terra, but they’re not left behind when it comes to incredible new models. After showing off Maloghurst the Twisted last month, allow us to present the two new Imperial Fists Praetors.

Despite what Perturabo would have you think, The Imperial Fists have always been unparalleled experts in siege warfare – the Emperor himself selected them to defend the Imperial Palace on Terra. There, Dorn and his Legion prepared the ultimate defences and awaited the beginning of the Siege of Terra.*
As with all Legions, the Imperial Fists had numerous Praetors – the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders within the Space Marines ranks. Among the VII Legion, Praetors were second only to Dorn in their skill with a blade, their generalship, and their mastery of the siege. To make them stand out on the battlefield (or when marching up and down along the walls of the Imperial Palace), they wear the finest armour, covered in the Legion’s symbols and insignia.
Games Workshop The New Imperial Fists Praetors Are Perfect For Butchering Iron Warriors 2  Games Workshop The New Imperial Fists Praetors Are Perfect For Butchering Iron Warriors 3

Available in either power armour or Tartaros Terminator armour, these new models look so good that even their staunchest foes, the Iron Warriors, can’t help but be impressed. Whether you’re building an army to defend Terra or a force to take the fight to Horus and his Traitors, these will fit perfectly into your Imperial Fists collection.

The new Imperial Fists Praetors will be available to pre-order soon from Forge World. In the meantime, grab The Horus Heresy Book Three – Extermination, which includes all of the rules for fielding an Imperial Fists army in the Age of Darkness.

* For an idea of how impregnable their defences were, check out the Black Library novel Praetorian of Dorn, which sees the Alpha Legion try to sneak their way past the Imperial Fists.

Frank ‘n’ Stein Is Here and He’s More Than The Sum of His Assorted Parts

Jim: Welcome back, sports fans, to another star-studded report from our Elven pitchside reporter.

Bob: Today’s a big’un Jim, and I’m not just talking about the news.

Jim: Well that’s what you get when you stuff two humans into one untidy package, Bob. Ah, it reminds me of the old days…

Bob: He’s a player after my own heart, Jim. 

Games Workshop Frank ‘n’ Stein Is Here And He’s More Than The Sum Of His Assorted Parts 1

Alyssa: Finding out about this Star Player’s early career can be tricky, because once you go back far enough he starts appearing under two different names. That’s because it wasn’t until an unlucky run-in with an ambitious Necromancer that decidedly average players Franklyn Smyth and Steiner S. Scottward became more than the sum of their parts.

After an illustrious career with his ‘repossessed’ team, Frank ‘n’ Stein was chased away from the Blood Bowl pitch after an unfortunate lightning strike sent him into a berserk frenzy, killing four players, a referee, and scores of unlucky bystanders. In a shocking twist, after his hugely popular Cabalvision commercials for Lightningade Electrolyte Drink, fans put down their pitchforks and he now plays for whoever can pay him the most.

Games Workshop Frank ‘n’ Stein Is Here And He’s More Than The Sum Of His Assorted Parts 2

As if his huge and powerful frame wasn’t good enough at stopping the opposing team dead in their tracks, the big lug’s brutal play style often rears its head when an unfortunate soul he’s grabbed gets an extra-large kicking.

Games Workshop Frank ‘n’ Stein Is Here And He’s More Than The Sum Of His Assorted Parts 3

Combined with Steiner’s size and Franklyn’s keen tactical mind, Frank ‘n’ Stein is an extremely dependable rock around which many Blood Bowl teams have been built – at least the ones able to pay his 250,000 GP fee. The Sylvanian Spotlight and Old World Classic teams that take him on will be glad to know he’s sticking around for the long haul, what with the Regeneration and Thick Skull abilities keeping him in the game.

The sky’s starting to look a bit cloudy, and I don’t want to be around the next time a lightning strike finds him, so it’s back to you in the commentary box, Jim and Bob.

Bob: Definitely one to keep watching, Jim. He’s got a long and illustrious career ahead of him still.

Jim: I should hope so too, seeing as he’s already dead. Speaking of which, hasn’t he got almost as many fatalities under his belt as you?

Bob: Let’s not compare apples and oranges, Jim. I’d argue Frank ‘n’ Stein only have half as many each.

Are you looking to add Frank ‘n’ Stein to your Blood Bowl team?

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Einmal eine Frage, ist der Skelettgeneral in der Starterbox eine komplett neue Figur , oder gab es den schon?
    Der Stil, den die neuen Vampirmodelle gehen, sagt mir rein optisch doch sehr zu.

    • Eine seltsame Entscheidung.
      Oder einfach fies: kauf ihn (zunächst exklusiv) mit den Einheiten, die du ggf nicht wirklich willst*, zu einem einigermaßen ordentlichen Gesamtpreis, aber deutlich höher als alleine. Wer weiß, ob er später noch mal separat erscheint – zu einem saftigen Preis…
      Cursed City anyone?

      Ach, ja, da haben wir ja schon den Salat… Mal sehen, was sie für die Figuren einzeln abrufen werden.

      *Die Reiter wurden einem schon in zwei anderen SC!-Boxen dargereicht und die Verfluchten sind halt weder so zeitgemäß noch für sich genommen richtig schön mMn.

      • Danke für die ganzen Antworten 🙂.
        Die Entscheidung finde ich auch fies, wobei ich glücklicherweise sogar Verfluchte und Ritter gebrauchen könnte, wenn denn genug Hobbygeld nach den letzten 40k Kauf auf der Seite liegt.

        Vielleicht kann man aber auch ein wenig daraus schließen, welche Modelle so schnell keine Neuauflage bekommen.

      • Das größte Problem ist das die Black Knights so irrsinnig schlecht sind dass die keiner haben will.

        Ansonsten gäbe es genug Leute die die Box zwei oder drei Mal holen, die den Berittenen Fluchritter verkaufen würden.


        Box mehrmals holen, 40 oder 60 Grave Guard werden sich gut spielen lassen und die 5 Knights auf Ebay loswerden. Immerhin kann man die auch als Hexwraiths bauen und als solche sind die OK.

        25€ kriegt man für die.

  • Das es den Wight King erstmal nur in der Box geben wird ist schade. Aber ich freue mich auf den Skitarii-Marshal.

  • Cursed City ist damit wohl wirklich schon Geschichte, wenn GW die Minis aus der Box jetzt schon anfängt, einzeln zu verticken.

    Ansonsten ist für mich da aber kaum was dabei. AdMech fand ich mal cool – und auch die neue Starterbox von denen sieht gut aus. Aber die letzten Releases mit dem Flattermännern fand ich gruselig schlecht, weswegen ich die Armee nicht mehr weiter sammle.

    Dafür kommen endlich die schweren Intercessoren als Einzelbox heraus. Davon werde ich mir mal eine ansehen.

  • Bei dem Chronomancer mit seinem Magic Cube fühle ich mich immer ein wenig an Tim Burton erinnert.

    Der sieht so ein bisschen nach liebem Opa aus, so ein wenig wie ein Elder Gutknecht aus Corpes Bride… 🙂

  • Fein fein, jetzt kommen endlich die Heavy Intercessors. Auf die warte ich schon lange.☺️ Warhammer Underworlds= Neue Teams sind immer willkommen. Die S.C. Box scheint relativ günstig zu sein. Die anderen Sachen(S.C.) sind natürlich sehr schick,
    aber da warte ich mal ab ob ich da voll einsteige.

  • Ganz blöde Frage: Wann genau gehen denn diese Ankündigungen, speziell die Webshop exclusives, zur Vorbestellung online? also gibt es da eine feste Uhrzeit + Tag? wegen begonnenem Projekt brauche ich da dringend Radukars Court. nicht fragen, nur wundern 😅


      • @das Schaf: topp, danke.

        @frostasche: das hat man davon, wenn man dinge schnell überfliegt 😉 aber die Uhrzeit ist tatsächlich auch wichtig, denke nicht, dass die unendlich viele packungen haben werden. warum auch. könnten sonst ja leute kaufen wollen 😅

    • Wenn die wieder die Helden beider Seiten in Einzelboxen packen, die zusammen mehr kosten als das Ursprungsprodukt mit haufenweise Truppmodellen obendrein, dann… haben sie mal wieder alle schön im Sack, die keine andere Wahl haben als in den sauren Apfel zu beißen oder zu verzichten (sind ja auch noch Webstore-Exclusive, also nicht mal mit Rabatten zu haben).
      GW könnte hier ihre grandiose Fehlplanung etwas geradebiegen. Wird sich zeigen, was das und die Kunden ihnen wert sind.

      • @MacGuffin: denke wir kennen die Antwort aber in dem Fall werde ich mir ansehen wie sie das Bundle anbieten und vielleicht werde ich ja überrascht. aber da ich aufgrund des geplanten verwendungszweck in ergänzung zu vorhandenen einheiten keinen bedarf an z.b. 20 skelleten oder zombies habe, ist die wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es mich billiger kommt und weniger müll übrig bleibt wenn ich da das bundle nehme zumindest gegeben. allerdings bin ich nach der (und anderer) geschichten deutlich…vorsichtiger bzgl ausgaben und plänen die GW produkte beinhalten.

        das heutzutage dinge die ja viele vorlauf brauchen nicht funktionieren wie geplant, sieht man ja noch in anderen branchen, CPU / GPU /Chip – Anbieter lassen grüßen. aber die art der kommunikation, oder genauer der mangel an selbiger stößt einem doch sehr bitter auf und lässt an der kompetenz der leute in der PR abteilung zweifeln.

  • Mit den Heavy Intercessors haben wir endlich die 10€ Marke für normale Infanterie durchbrochen! *party

    Chronomancer und die beiden Patrol Boxen für SM und Necrons sind interessant und Frank ’n‘ Stein is cool. Wenn die Starplayer von GW kähmen, hätte ich alle…

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