von BK-Bob | 22.08.2021 | eingestellt unter: Weltkriege

Blood Red Skies: Schlacht um Midway

Warlord Games veröffentlichen einen Schwung Neuheiten für Blood Red Skies zum Thema Schlacht um Midway.

WG Blood Red Skies The Battle Of Midway Starter Set 1 WG Blood Red Skies The Battle Of Midway Starter Set 2 WG Blood Red Skies The Battle Of Midway Starter Set 3 WG Blood Red Skies The Battle Of Midway Starter Set 4 WG Blood Red Skies The Battle Of Midway Starter Set 5

The Battle Of Midway Starter Set – 67,20€


Warlord Resin

The evolving nature of naval warfare gave more and more prominence to the carrier, and the control of island airfields were of paramount concern to the greater strategic concerns of the Pacific theatre. The air war over the Pacific, therefore, provides a fascinating focus for the tabletop gamer, and there was no battle more crucial than Midway, on which our brand-new Blood Red Skies Starter Set centers.

Blood Red Skies is a tabletop miniatures game in which you take command of a force of fighter aircraft in battle. The emphasis in Blood Red Skies is on controlling a large number of planes at once. Action in the game is fast-paced, with no pre-plotting or book-keeping required. A smallish game of Blood Red Skies, with six planes per side, can be fought in forty-five minutes or less.

A force is comprised of iconic World War 2 fighter aircraft using the dynamic ‘Advantage’ system. Opposing pilots can also use card-based aircraft traits, doctrines, Ace skills and theatre rules to make the most of their planes and fighting environment.

The Battle of Midway starter set contains everything you need to get playing, including rules, tokens, dice, game cards, and crucially 12 highly detailed Warlord Resin aircraft with which to battle.

The Grumman F4F Wildcat When the US Navy and Marine Corps entered the Second World War, they had only one effective fighter aircraft available to them: the F4F Wildcat. Fortunately, the Wildcat proved more than equal to the task of holding the line.

The Mitsubishi A6M2 ‘Zero’ The Mitsubishi A6M Zero was a fast, modern fighter, but had no armour for the pilot. When the Zero (derived from the Japanese name Reisen – meaning Zero Fighter) was in the hands of aggressive and well-trained pilots this weakness was rarely apparent.

The US aircraft are provided in blue-coloured resin and the Japanese in white/cream, making your squadrons easily distinguishable and able to launch into furious tabletop dogfights even before you touch paint to model.

Full Contents:

  • 12 x Warlord Resin aircraft (6 x Mitsubishi A6-M2 Zero & 6 x Grumman F4F Wildcat)
  • 12 x BRS Advantage Flying Bases
  • 2 x BRS Midway punchboards
  • 1 x BRS Plastic Token Sprue
  • 1 x BRS Battle of Midway Rules Booklet
  • 1 x BRS Quick Reference Card
  • 6 x Aircraft Cards (Douglas Dauntless, Douglas Devastator, A6-M2 Zero, Aichi D3A ‚Val‘, Nakajima B5N Kate & F4F Wildcat)
  • 6 x Aircraft Trait Cards
  • 17 x Doctrine Cards
  • 18 x Theatre Cards
  • 12 x BRS Combat Dice
  • 1 x USN/IJN Self-adhesive sticker sheet
  • 1 x USN/IJN waterslide decal sheet

WG Blood Red Skies Aichi D3A 'Val' & Nakajima B5N 'Kate' Squadron 1 WG Blood Red Skies Aichi D3A 'Val' & Nakajima B5N 'Kate' Squadron 2 WG Blood Red Skies Aichi D3A 'Val' & Nakajima B5N 'Kate' Squadron 3 WG Blood Red Skies Aichi D3A 'Val' & Nakajima B5N 'Kate' Squadron 4

Aichi D3A ‚Val‘ & Nakajima B5N ‚Kate‘ squadron – 33,60€


Warlord Resin

The D3A ‘Val’ was a dive bomber and the B5N ‘Kate’ was a torpedo bomber. Coordinated strikes from these two aircraft redefined the future of naval aviation and sounded the death knell of the battleship. The Aichi Dive bombers would ideally cripple the anti-aircraft ability of their target to facilitate the approach of the much slower torpedo bombers. They are best remembered for their involvement on the attack on Pearl Harbor.

A naval dive bomber with many similarities to the German Ju 87 Stuka, the Val was armed with two fixed forward machineguns and two rear trainable ones. It carried a crew of two and a light bomb load. Used in the anti-shipping dive-bomber mode, the Val was a mainstay of the Japanese carrier-based war effort.

Although the B5N compared favourably to Allied counterparts at the start of its involvement in the war, it was already approaching obsolescence in 1941. It still served throughout the entirety of the war due to the delayed development of its intended successor, the B6N. It had a 3-man crew, pilot, navigator/bombardier/observer, and radio operator/gunner.


  • 3 x Warlord Resin Aichi D3A ‘Val’ aircraft
  • 3 x Warlord Resin Nakajima B5N ‘Kate’ aircraft
  • 6 x Advantage Flying Bases
  • 1 x Punchboard with Game Tokens
  • 2 x Aircraft Cards (D3A ‘Val’, B5N ‘Kate’)
  • 1 x Doctrine Card (Opening Shot)
  • 2 x Aircraft Trait Cards (1 x Vulnerable, 1 x Laden)
  • 1 x Waterslide Aircraft Markings Sheet

WG Blood Red Skies Douglas Dauntless & Devastator Squadron 1 WG Blood Red Skies Douglas Dauntless & Devastator Squadron 2 WG Blood Red Skies Douglas Dauntless & Devastator Squadron 3 WG Blood Red Skies Douglas Dauntless & Devastator Squadron 4

Douglas Dauntless & Devastator Squadron – 33,60€


Warlord Resin

At the Battle of Midway the US Navy relied on two aircraft: the SBD-3 Dauntless dive bomber and TBD-1 Devastator torpedo bomber. At Midway, Dauntless aircraft crippled all four of the Japanese carriers.

The importance of the Douglas SBD Dauntless’ performance over the course of the war cannot be overstated. Despite relatively poor manoeuvrability and only adequate performance, it was this aircraft that crippled all four of the Japanese carriers in the theatre-defining Battle of Midway. Despite this performance, the type was phased out before war’s end, though it had only entered service in 1940.

The TBD Devastator entered service in 1937 and enjoyed a brief tenure as the most advanced flying aircraft for any navy in the world. However, with rapidly evolving technology it was already outdated by the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor. At Midway, 41 Devastators recorded zero torpedo hits and only six returned to their carriers, their only arguable success being the distraction of the enemy Zeros from the Dauntless Dive Bombers. The aircraft was withdrawn from service shortly after Midway – replaced by the Grumman TBF Avenger.


  • 3 x Warlord Resin Dauntless aircraft
  • 3 x Warlord Resin Devastator aircraft
  • 6 x Advantage Flying Bases
  • 1 x Punchboard with Game Tokens
  • 2 x Aircraft Cards (Dauntless, Devastator)
  • 1 x Doctrine Card (Interlocking Fire)
  • 2 x Aircraft Trait Cards (1 x Sluggish, 1 x Laden)
  • 1 x Waterslide Aircraft Markings Sheet

WG Blood Red Skies F6F Hellcat Squadron 1 WG Blood Red Skies F6F Hellcat Squadron 2 WG Blood Red Skies F6F Hellcat Squadron 3

F6F Hellcat Squadron – 33,60€


Warlord Resin

The Grumman F6F Hellcat was a rugged US Navy fighter. It performed extremely well in combat and accounted for 75% of the US Navy’s recorded aerial victories in the Pacific theatre. This astounding figure totals Japanese 5156 aircraft destroyed for the loss of only 270 F6Fs in air-to-air combat.

The initial production model entered service in August 1943, and its balance of high performance, firepower and fair agility put it in great favour with pilots. Of 4402 aircraft produced, 252 were transferred under Lend-Lease for service with the Fleet Air Arm in the UK (known as Hellcat Mk1s).


  • 6 x Warlord Resin F6F Hellcat aircraft
  • 6 x Advantage Flying Bases
  • 1 x Punchboard with Game Tokens
  • 1 x Aircraft Card (F6F Hellcat)
  • 1 x Doctrine Card (Top Cover)
  • 6 x Aircraft Trait Cards (3 x Rapid Roll, 3 x Robust)
  • 1 x Waterslide Aircraft Markings Sheet

WG Blood Red Skies Nakajima Ki 43 II 'Oscar' Squadron 1 WG Blood Red Skies Nakajima Ki 43 II 'Oscar' Squadron 2 WG Blood Red Skies Nakajima Ki 43 II 'Oscar' Squadron 3

Nakajima Ki-43 II ‚Oscar‘ squadron – 33,60€


Warlord Resin

At the time of Japan’s entry into World War Two, the land-based Ki-43 Hayabusa (Peregrine Falcon) was the amongst the most advanced aircraft available to the nation, and was also the most important in numerical terms, with 5900 aircraft produced. The Oscar enjoyed air superiority early in the war, but as newer Allied aircraft were introduced, its armament began to show inadequacies. The Ki-43 II improved the Hayabusa’s engine by adding a two-stage supercharger, upgraded its protection by including self-sealing fuel tanks and pilot armour and replaced its rifle calibre armament with 12.7mm heavy machine guns.

Like its Imperial Japanese Navy counterpart, the A6M Zero, the Ki-43 Oscar remained in service long after advancing technologies had rendered it obsolete.


  • 6 x Warlord Resin Ki43 aircraft
  • 6 x Advantage Flying Bases
  • 1 x Punchboard with Game Tokens
  • 1 x Aircraft Cards (A6M2 Zero)
  • 6 x Trait Cards (3x No Stalling 3x Deep Pockets)
  • 1 x Doctrine Card (Bait and Switch)
  • 1 x Waterslide Aircraft Markings Sheet

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Sehr lieblos, warum kann man in einer Starterbox zu Midway nicht etwas Vielfalt reinbringen, bei 6 Modellen pro Seite, wären 1-3 Torpedobomber/ Stukas möglich gewesen, ein paar Pappcounter in Flugzeugträgerfor wäre auch eine Idee, so reitz mich das ganze so gar nicht…

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    Das weitere Flieger für mehr Abwechslung fehlen, finde ich persönlich nicht schlimm, da ich die wenigen meiner Partien ohnehin nur mit den einfachen Modellen bestritten hatte. Welche Boxen lohnen sich denn noch für die USA und Japaner?

    • Bei der US Navy würde ich die cossair und die B-25 Mitchell empfehlen, bei den Japanern die Shiden und Hayabusa…

  • „Lieblos“ und „einfallslos“ sind leider häufig die Vokabeln, die mir bei wsrloes einfallen. Immer wieder Schade. Ich hatte die Hoffnung, dass sie das wargames foundry der 90er hätten sein können.

  • Die Qualität der Modelle hat mich persönlich enttäuscht. Die Details bei der Wildcat und der A6M2 Zero wirken verwaschen. Die Flügel der Wildcat wirken im Demovideo verbogen und die Propellernabe hängt herunter. Ähnliche Fehler gab es damals bei der Starterbox mit den Spitfire znd Bf109E. Der B5N2 Torpedobomber hat ein völlig falsch angebrachtes Torpedo. Dieses war zwar etwas versetzt montiert, aber man kann beim BRS Modell von unten deutlich sehen, dass es das eine Fahrwerk kreuzt und dieses unmöglich ein oder ausfahren kann. Bei der Aichi Val sieht man am hinteren Cockpit dass es eine Variante ist, die lange nach Midway verwendet wurde. Bei so vielen Fehlern ist diese Reihe leider für mich uninteressant. Wenigstens scheint die Hellcat gelungen zu sein.

  • Warlord Games hat aus Zinn die Raiden, die Shiden, die Corsair und die Wildcat herausgebracht. Die Corsair, welche relativ groß und aufgrund ihrer bauartbedingten Robustheit dicke Strukturen hat, ist sehr schwer, wodurch sie bei den BRS Basen zum Umkippen neigt. Die anderen 3 haben den Nachteil, dass dünne Strukturen beim Leitwerk oft verbogen dind znd das Risiko haben, dass man diese bei der Korrektur abbricht. Die Detaillierung der 4 Modelle ist aber gut. Definitiv besser als bei den alten Weichplastikmodellen (Bsp Spitfire oder Bf109E).

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