von BK-Bob | 10.08.2021 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch

Black Powder: Preußische Jäger & Spanische Partisanen

Es gibt Neuheiten für Warlord Games Black Powder.

Warlord Games Black Powder Napoleonic Prussian Jaegers (1813 15) 1 Warlord Games Black Powder Napoleonic Prussian Jaegers (1813 15) 2

Napoleonic Prussian Jägers (1813-15) – 14,06€

6 Infantry
The Prussian infantry consisted of fusiliers, musketeers, landwehr and jägers. Regiments, consisting of three battalions, were a tactical unit similar to those of the french. Each regular Line regiment had two musketeer battalions and one fusilier battalion, while the Landwehr regiments had three battalions of musketeers. Jägers were usually broken down into companies and assigned to brigades in ‘penny packets’.

The jägers were elite light infantrymen, marksmen and expert in the arts of skirmishing, usually broken down in to company-sized units. Jägers were rifle armed, although there was not widespread uniformity in the type of rifle used.

This pack contains six Prussian Jägers.

Warlord Games Napoleonic Spanish Guerillas 1 1 Warlord Games Napoleonic Spanish Guerillas 1 2 Warlord Games Napoleonic Spanish Guerillas 1 3

Napoleonic Spanish Guerillas 1 – 14,06€

Please note this is a pre-order product and is due to be released September 2021.

6 Infantry

You cannot comment on the Spanish and their forces without on those plucky chaps who carried out the ‘little war’; directed by local Juntas they performed hit and run attacks on the French any way they could. The French regarded them as rebellious scum, bandits who were to be chastised even unto death. It is estimated that over 20,000 were active in numerous bands whose numbers grew to the size of small armies in some cases. Guerrilla bands were lead by colourful yet ruthless men who operated under titles such as El Pastor (The Shepherd) and El Abuelo (The Godfather).

One cannot underestimate the value to Wellington that the guerrilla war had. It is without doubt that without these brave Spaniards, Wellington’s forces would have been overrun by marauding French armies. Conversely, without brave Albion and her Portuguese allies, the French would have hunted down the rebels with impunity.

These models superbly characterise the men and women fighting as irregular troops in Spain and Portugal, harrying the French at every step. Pack contains six Spanish Guerillas.

Warlord Games Napoleonic Spanish Guerillas 2 1 Warlord Games Napoleonic Spanish Guerillas 2 2 Warlord Games Napoleonic Spanish Guerillas 2 3

Napoleonic Spanish Guerillas 2- 14,06€

Please note this is a pre-order product and is due to be released September 2021.

6 Infantry

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Ich finde die Minis, wie häufig von warlord, eher mies. Hüftsteif, Gorillahände. Unnatürliche Posen. Kein Vergleich zu den Perrys. Ich werde mit den Minis von warlord einfach nicht warm.

    • Ja, leider hält mich das auch vom Kauf so einiger interessanter Sets von Warlord ab. Sowohl Metall, als auch Plastik (deren komisches, unbrauchbares Resin schaue ich mir gar nicht erst an).
      Es sind nicht einmal die Posen, die sind Standard und häufig sogar ganz interessant… die Proportionen zerschießen den Gesamteindruck enorm.
      Lächerlich schlecht fand ich z.Bsp. die Fantasy Resistance Kämpfer.

  • Die Jäger sind im Vergleich zu deren Vorgängern erheblich besser. Aber ich werde auch nicht so richtig mit dem Design warm. Als Preussen-Spieler bräuchte ich eigentlich noch Jäger, aber bei denen juckt es weder in Fingern, ist noch nicht mal ein zartes kribbeln. Die Spanier sagen mir überhaupt nicht zu.

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