von BK-Herr Kemper | 24.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Zealot Miniatures: Litchmyre Dungeon Kickstarter

Die neue Kickstarter-Kampagne von Zealot Miniatures ist da: Twisting Catacombs – Litchmyre Dungeon.


Das Projekt:

Welcome to Litchmyre Dungeon, the home of a new range of detailed resin and metal fantasy miniatures, which ooze nostalgia and classic goodness. Zealot is back with our third Kickstarter, bringing to life this new range, with our usual reputation for quality and jaw-droppingly detailed miniatures.

Back in 2014 we created a new level of Dungeon scenery, using digital production methods and detailed vacuum casting. Then last year, we breathed new life into a too-long forgotten fantasy race, the Minotaurs, which we are finishing the delivery of now – with delighted backers praising the detail and quality.

This time, we wanted to go back to our roots and tackle real heroes and villains, characters which capture our imaginations and make us remember why we started gaming or collecting.
We are heavily inspired by classic RPG games; playing old fantasy games from the 80s is what started all this madness in the first place!
So welcome to a fusion of past and present, new and old. We are updating, modernizing and offering to you, this range of high quality miniatures traditionally sculpted by the awesome miniature artist, Boris Woloszyn.

If you like what you see; Read on, brave adventurer.

Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS

Art, Nostalgia & Quality:

We don’t produce board game counters, these are not PVC pencil toppers, injection moulded in china  – we make Miniatures. Resin and Metal, these are produced the same as they were 30 years ago, cutting no corners and not skimping on quality or detail. It’s not the fastest or cheapest process, but it certainly is the best. If you want Miniatures which you will cherish and still want to use in another 30 years time, then these are for you.

We have teamed up with Boris Woloszyn, a traditional putty sculptor from Brazil, these models are made by hand, no 3D printing involved (unusually for us!). Boris has a real talent as an artist, able to bring true character to each sculpt, I’m sure you will agree.

Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS2 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS3 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS4 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS5

These models are heavily inspired by the classic games we grew up loving and playing with our families and friends. Just take a look at the greens, all made from putty.

Production of Boris’s sculpts is done in three materials, Standard Resin, White Metal and Premium Resin. As we unlock each material in the stretch goals, you will have a choice to add which material you want.

Standard Resin is one for the gamer, it is on par with a lot of other companies‘ resin materials, the details are good but the resin is not as tough and flexible as the Premium offering. There will be more splits and parts for each model when they are produced in this material.

White Metal, that fabled shiny material which is fondly remembered by older gamers. When your army weighed more than a cinder block and dropping a Dragon model on your toes resulted in a trip to the hospital.
It’s for the gamer or painter who wants a shot of nostalgia, feeling the weight in their hands. The details are good, the models are tough and it paints well. White metal does have more gates and vents to clean up from the model than resin models.

Premium Resin is really a superior resin. It requires very few gates and vents, has a nice matte surface to paint, has 0.2% shrinkage and captures every detail of the original sculpt perfectly. It is tougher than Standard Resin with some flex to avoid damage. It cuts and files well when cleaning the model up or converting.
Premium resin is the material for the serious painter or collector.

We will produce some side by side comparisons in a KS update so you can see the differences in the materials.


All of the pledges you can supplement with „Add Ons“ from the section below.
Miniatures come in three tiers ‚Hero Sized‘, ‚Mighty Sized‘ and ‚Monstrous Sized‘. Green, Blue and Yellow Dots respectively.

On the last day of the campaign, we will include a Completionist level pledge which will be for all core models and all unlocked stretch goals.

Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS6 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS7 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS8 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS9 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS10 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS11


You can add to your pledge with any of the following packs. Just increase your pledge by the amount needed.

Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS12 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS13 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS14 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS15 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS16 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS17 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS18

Die Miniaturen:

Here is a gallery for each of the core Miniatures, stretch goal models can bee seen in the section below. The coloured dot on each image, indicates if they are „Hero Sized“, „Mighty Sized“ or „Monstrous Sized“.

Each model will come with a standard Plastic Round Base or Classic Rectangle base, as shown in the pictures. You can make your selection on the Pledge Manager after the campaign closes.

Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS19 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS20 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS21 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS22 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS23 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS24 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS25 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS26 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS27 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS28 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS29 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS30 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS31 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS32

Stretch Goals:

 As funding progresses we will unlock stretch goals and extra miniatures. Below you can see what has been unlocked and what is the next goal coming up. The coloured dot on each image refers to the size. Green „Hero Size“, Blue „Mighty Size“ and Orange „Monstrous Size“.

Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS33 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS34 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS35 Zealot TC Litchmyre Dungeon KS36


Ziel: 10.000 GBP

Stand: mehr als 30.000 GBP

Backer: fast 350

Ende: 17. Oktober 2018 21:02 CEST

Link: Zealot Miniatures Litchmyre Dungeon KS


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Hm, ich bin etwas enttäuscht um ganz ehrlich zu sein. Ich dachte da kämen mehr Variationen der Monstertypen bzw auch der Helden.
    Die drei Orcs sind wirklich gut, aber es sind imo eben nur die drei. Ich weiss noch nicht ob ich da einsteige, das ganze überzeugt mich noch nicht so richtig.

  • Ich finde die Minis super. Mich verwirren nur die beiden angebotenen Reainqualitäten etwas.
    Ich habe ja auch schon in deren shop bestellt und die Qualität war gut. Aber welcher der beiden im KS angebotenen Resinsorten entspricht das jetzt… Etwas klarere Infos und Vergleichsbilder wären schön gewesen. Stattdessen wird die eine Qualität einfach für gamer und die andere für collectors empfohlen.

    • Das „Gamer-Resin“ entspricht nach dem, was ich gelesen habe, deren Standardresin bei bisherigen Veröffentlichungen. Also absolut ausreichend.
      Die anderen Materialvarianten sind wohl eher für Leute, die in dieser Hinsicht eine gewisse Obsession haben (sei es Metall-Nostalgie oder Resinqualitätsfetischismus). 😉

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