Star Wars Legion: Leia Organa Expansion
Die Rebellen werden in Star Wars Legion von Fantasy Flight Games unter anderem von Prinzessin Leia Organa angeführt, die mit einer eigenen Commander Expansion erscheint.
„The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.“
–Leia Organa, Star Wars: A New HopeThe odds are constantly stacked against the forces of the Rebel Alliance. Relentlessly hunted by the Galactic Empire, the Rebels find themselves underequipped and outgunned in almost every battle. Instead of superior firepower, the Rebellion must rely on a steadfast belief in their cause to keep fighting. When the situation seems dire, Rebel troops look to their leaders like Leia Organa for the inspiration they need to push back against the might of the Empire.
Leia Organa did everything she could to keep the hope of the Rebellion alive throughout the Galactic Civil War, from attempting to reach Tatooine in search of Obi-Wan Kenobi to joining the strike team that brought down the shield protecting the second Death Star. Working closely with both Rebel commanders and troops, she became one of the most enduring leaders of the Rebel Alliance. You’ll soon be able to have Leia Organa take command of your Rebel forces with the Leia Organa Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion.
Alongside the single unpainted, easily assembled miniature representing Leia Organa, this expansion contains everything you need to add her to your army as a commander. Three command cards bring Leia Organa’s personal touch to every battle while giving you more options for selecting your battle plan. Finally, several upgrade cards allow you to further customize your army, promising new possibilities for your Rebel forces.
Ready for Battle
As the second Rebel Alliance commander released for Star Wars: Legion, Leia Organa gives you more flexibility when building your Rebel army. She can be used as an alternative to Luke Skywalker, or, if you want to take advantage of both Luke’s blossoming Force abilities and Leia’s inspiring presence in battle, you could have them work side-by-side.
No matter what you choose, Leia Organa brings her own style to the unsung infantry battles of the Star Wars galaxy. She might not be as formidable a warrior as Luke, but she is more than capable in a fight. Equally skilled in martial arts as she is with a blaster, Leia Organa notably rolls the same pool of three black attack dice for both melee and ranged attacks. Her ranged attacks are slightly more potent, however, thanks to Leia’s Sharpshooter 2 ability reducing her target’s cover and her Defender Sporting Blaster piercing through enemy armor to cancel one of the defender’s dodge results.
Despite her combat prowess, Leia Organa is known more as a leader, working closely with troops in the field to complete objectives. At only 90 points, she is far cheaper than Luke Skywalker, giving you more space in your army for other units. The 70 points you’ll save could be used to add a unit of Rebel Troopers complete with a Z-6 Trooper to your army, for example, giving you even more ranged firepower.
Once these troops are in the field, Leia Organa helps them perform at their peak. Her Inspire 2 ability automatically removes suppression tokens from nearby units after she activates, keeping them calm and in the fight for as long as possible. What’s more, Leia Organa can use one of her actions on her Take Cover 2 ability, allowing her to grant dodge tokens to up to two friendly trooper units at Range 1. This especially benefits the nimble Rebel Troopers, who gain the extra measure of protection from the dodge token and become free to focus on more offensive actions during their activation.
Central Command
Leia Organa is a born leader. With experience ranging from Imperial Senator to troop commander, she is skilled at coordinating efforts between many groups to accomplish a greater goal. These abilities are on full display in her three command cards, with each card giving you the opportunity to turn the many moving parts of your army into a concentrated fighting force.
No matter what happens, an army needs to stay on the move. Whether it’s rushing to capture objectives or to quickly take cover, a mobile army can create all sorts of problems for an opponent. A command card like No Time for Sorrows,
then, can prove invaluable in the heat of battle. This card allows Leia Organa to issue orders to two trooper units and, when she does, these units may perform a speed-1 move. This might not seem like much, but it can help you quickly mobilize your forces, setting them up for a quick assault or hasty retreat later in the round.
Similarly, Leia Organa might want to become even more directly involved in the action. Although you’re not likely to win priority when you play the Somebody Has to Save Our Skins command card,
you can still move pretty quickly. With this card in play, Leia Organa can activate a friendly unit at Range 1-2 with a faceup order token immediately after her activation. Not only does this give you two full activations in a row, it also gives Leia Organa the opportunity to work in tandem with another unit, potentially launching a devastating attack or hunkering down out of harm’s way.
Finally, Leia Organa’s leadership skills are on full display even when she’s working on her own. Although the Coordinated Bombardment command card only allows you to issue orders to Leia Organa,
it does give you a good chance of going first. If you activate Leia Organa first, she can carry out her normal activation, then launch three attacks against different enemy units at Range 4 or beyond. This gives Leia Organa the potential to send the enemy army into disarray with four straight attacks before it even has the chance to activate a single unit.
The Coordinated Bombardment command card allows Leia Organa to launch attacks against three different enemy units at the end of her activation. As these attacks are immune to Deflect, she is safe from retribution from Darth Vader.
For the Rebellion
Leia Organa has been a guiding force for the Rebel Alliance from the very beginning. Soon, she can take command of your Rebel troops and keep the hope of freedom alive for the entire galaxy.
Pre-order the Leia Organa Commander Expansion (SWL12) at your local retailer today or on the Fantasy Flight Games website here!
Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Asmodee.
Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games
Ich finde die Legion Miniatur von Leia weiterhin sehr unspektakulär. Außerdem hätte ich sie lieber in der weißen Robe aus A New Hope gehabt.
Von den Werten und Karten her scheint es allerdings eine mächtige Anführerfigur zu werden.
War klar das Leia Organa mal wieder solo in der Box ist 😉
😀 Ich klau mal deine Aussage, wenn Han rauskommt! 😀
War klar das Han mal wieder solo in der Box ist 😉
Und ich freu mich drauf, wenn ich das nicht lese, wenn Han mit Chewie in einer Box sein wird. 🙂
Han solo gibt’s doch schon als Box bzw. ist angekündigt. Kein Chewie drin…