von BK-Christian | 17.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Dropfleet Commander, Watchdog

Watchdog: Full Spectrum Dominance UCM Fleet

Die folgende Flotte der United Colonies of Mankind ist uns im Netz über den Weg gelaufen.

Die Mächtige Flotte von George Mac glänzt einerseits durch eine sehr schicke Bemalung, andereseits aber vor allem auch durch diverse kleine Um- und Eigenbauten, die das Design der Flotte enorm erweitern.

Ein Beispiel ist das relativ neu gestaltete Reparaturschiff, das Teile der Raumstationen enthält. Es erfüllt im Spiel keine Funktion, passt aber hervorragend zum Konzept der UCM-Rückeroberungsflotte, die schließlich weitab von zuhause operiert:

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Auch Gelände und Raumstationen hat George gebaut…

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…genau wie eigene Versionen der Korvetten:

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Schlachtschiffe kann man offenbar nie genug haben, und so besitzt George gleich mehrere davon. Unverändert ist dabei nur das erste geblieben (ein Flottenträger der New York-Klasse). Die anderen Großkampfschiffe der Flotte werden von kleinen Eskortschiffen begleitet, die ebenfalls aus übrig gebliebenen Teilen der Schiffsgussrahmen gebaut wurden. Das große Flaggschiff „Scipio Africanus“ (ein schweres Schlachtschiff der Niihama-Klasse) wurde um „Seitenfinnen“ aus dem Kreuzergussrahmen erweitert und wird ebenfalls von Eskortschiffen begleitet:

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Bei den Kreuzern bietet die Flotte die limitierten Schlachtkreuzer (teilweise umgebaut), umgebaute schwere Kreuzer und allerlei weitere Besonderheiten auf:

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Der Rest der Flotte kann sich ebenfalls sehen lassen:

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Ein paar Bemaltipps gibt George auch (leider sindhier einige Bilder nicht ganz ideal:

I must begin this post with an apology – specifically for those readers who requests a guide or at least a painting recipe for my UCM ships for Dropfleet Commander. It has been a loooong time since the first of those requests, and though I have not had the best opportunities to get this done, I am sure I could have managed it.

The main thing getting in the way (apart from Frostgrave!) was taking pictures of the models stage-by-stage, Due to my preference for daylight photography and my lack of free time during daylight hours, taking pictures of a model stage-by-stage would have taken several weeks. The idea to paint a large number of models at different stages (as you can see below) needed to wait until I had enough spare models for a new squadron of Light Cruisers.

Enough excuses! On to the models!


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The models in their various stages of completion – from basecoat to varnished and battle-ready

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  • Once the model is built, I spray black – Citadel Chaos Black is still one of the best on the market and I trust it
  • The undercoat is followed with a coat of Vallejo Grey Green liberally applied. This is the base colour for the entire fleet and one of the most important colours in my entire arsenal at the moment

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  • A small amount of Vallejo Medium Sea Grey is added to the Grey Green and painted around the area of natural highlight such as the prow, tips of the wings (front and back) and the underslung turret mounting (the underbite?)
  • The metallic areas are painted with a mixture of Grey Green and Citadel Stormhost Silver – a semi-equivalent to the old Mithril Silver
  • Several panels will be painted in pure Medium Sea Grey – these are the panels that will be almost white in later stages
  • All the gaps between the panels are lined back in with Citadel Black Ink, but if you cannot do this or prefer a quicker method I believe some form of panel line wash would work well

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  • For the next stage, all of the panels are highlight along their edges with Medium Sea Grey
  • The white panels are highlight with Medium Sea Grey mixed with Vallejo Silvergrey – careful not to paint in the entire panel
  • The metallic areas are washed with Citadel Nuln Oil
  • Lights and similar areas are painted with Citadel Pink Horror or Hawk Turquoise

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  • The panels are given a further edge highlight of Vallejo Sky Grey, concentrating on the sharpest corners and leading edges
  • The white panels have more Silvergrey added to the mix, but not yet pure
  • The metal areas are highlighted with Stormhost Silver
  • The lights base colour is highlighted by adding Silvergrey

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  • The models is completed with final edge highlights of Sky Grey with Silvergrey along the grey panels
  • The white panels are finished with pure Silvergrey, adding some white for the brightest highlights on the front of the ship if required
  • The lights are finished with even more Silvergrey if required
  • Any extra details, such as Burnthrough Lasers or engine glow (which I have only done for the largest vessels, for this class I would only block in the engine with black exhausts) are now painted

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So there we are! The actual scheme uses an incredibly limited palette, and the biggest advice I can offer is be patient with the panel lining and the edge highlighting. It is not a style of painting that most people would want to pursue! The white panels really break up the scheme, and highlighting as many of the dots and lights across the model really makes the model pop. Don’t forget a varnish at the end to tie everything together nicely.

In unseren Augen eine der derzeit schönsten Flotten da draußen, und definitiv eine Inspiration für ein Projekt, das irgendwann im kommenden Jahr die Redaktion heimsuchen wird. 🙂

Quelle: Full Spectrum Dominance Blog


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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