von BK-Marcel | 20.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Historisch, Napoleonisch

Perry Miniatures: Travel Battle erhältlich

Die Travel Battle Box ist seit neuesten bei den Perrys erhältlich.

Travel Battle

TravelBattle is a complete table top miniatures game in a box.
It is intended for gamers who have limited space, or those who are traveling on a long journey or holiday and need a gaming fix!
All the playing pieces are made of coloured plastic, and include two 3 dimensional green terrain boards with separate woods, grey buildings and red and blue armies. The size of the miniatures is 8mm.
The two terrain boards are designed to be placed together on any edge, giving the potential for 16 different battlefields. The 1″ grid marked on the boards excludes the need for rulers to be used in the game.
The simple rules system should allow a game to played within an hour.
The two armies are generic Napoleonic forces of equal size and composition which make up three brigades for each side. There is a simple painting guide in case you which to enhance your armies and terrain boards.

160 x Infantry
24 x Cavalry
4 x Guns and 12 crew
6 x Brigadiers
2 x 10″ 3D Terrain boards
6 x Buildings
4 x Dice
1 x Set of rules

Es ist außerdem möglich die jeweiligen Gussrahmen einzeln im Shop der Perrys zu kaufen. Diese kosten zwischen 3,00 und 14,00 Pfund.

Die Travel Battle Box kostet 50,00 Pfund.

Link: Perry Miniatures


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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