von BK-Markus | 15.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Infinity

Nerd-X: Infinity Command Board bei Kickstarter

Nerd-X haben ihren Infinity Command Board Kickstarter gestartet.

Das Command Board für Infinity – Schnelle taktische Übersicht über deine Befehlslage während des Spiels.

Mit dem Command Board hast du das ideale Zubehör für dein Infinity-Erlebnis.

Bereite dich ganz einfach auf dein Spiel oder Turnier vor. Sortiere deine benötigten Befehlsmarker (Order Marker) und alle weiteren Token in die Befehlsslots und Sortierfelder der Kontroll- und Unterstüzungsdecks. Schließe das Board stabil mit dem Transporterdeck mittels kräftiger Magnete und wenn es losgeht, einfach öffnen und du gibst den ersten Befehl.

Aufgeteilt nach Kampfgruppen (Combat Groups), impulsiven Befehlen (Impetious Order) sowie Leutnantbefehl (Lieutenant Order) und Kommandomarker (Command Token), bieten die Slots auf dem Kontrolldeck eine schnelle taktische Übersicht: Einfach den Befehlsmarker im Slot nach unten schieben und ausführen. Sollte es zu einem Verlust kommen, einfach den Befehlsmarker aus dem Slot nehmen, umdrehen auf die Bewusstlos-Seite und entweder neben die Miniatur oder wieder zurück in den Befehlsslot legen – das erleichtert dir das Zählen der Befehle (Order Count) in der Taktischen Phase (Tactical Phase).

Mit den vier unterschiedlich langen Messstäben (Movement Ruler) auf dem Unterstützungsdeck des Boards manövrierst du deine Truppen schnell und ohne Hakeln über das Spielfeld – besonders bei engem Gelände. Gewinnst du Missionspunkte (Objective Points), hältst du sie einfach mit dem Steckmarker auf der Punkteleiste fest.

Und du suchst nicht mehr lange nach dem benötigten Verwundungs-, Camouflage- oder Minen-Marker, die liegen griffbereit in den Sortierfeldern.

Wenn dein Spiel vorbei ist, sortierst du die Marker einfach wieder ein und schließt das Board. Auf dem obersten Transporterdeck bringst du deine Miniaturen standfest auf deiner offenen Miniaturentasche zum nächsten Tisch und auf gehts zum nächsten Match!

Das Command Board und alle Marker sind aus hochwertigem Acryl, der Druck ist kratzfest und widersteht intensiver Nutzung.

Quick tactical overview of your Order Status during the game.

With the Command Board you have the ideal piece of equipment for your Infinity experience.

Easily prepare yourself for your game or tournament. Quickly sort the order markers that you need, as well as any further tokens in the Command Slots and the slots for the Control and Support Decks. Securely close the Command Board with the Transporter Deck through powerful neodymium magnets. When it is time for battle, simply open the Board, and you are ready for your first order.

The Control Deck is divided in several slots: combat groups, impetuous order, lieutenant order, and command token. Together, these offer a quick tactical overview: slide the order marker down in its slot, and execute the order. Should you suffer casualties, simply take out the order marker, and flip it to its unconscious side. You can put it back in the slot, or place it next to the miniature. This makes it easier to perform the order count in the tactical phase.

With the four different lengths movement rulers in the Support Deck of the Board, it is easy to quickly and accurately move your troops across the battlefield, especially around cramped terrain. If you score objective points, you can keep score with the marker on the scoreboard.

You will no longer be looking all over for your wound-, camouflage-, or mine tokens. They are handy in reach in their sorting fields.

When your game is over, you can quickly sort your tokens back into their slots, and close the Board. On the top Transporter Deck you can securely move your miniatures around in your open transport bag to the next table, and you are ready to go for the next battle!

The Command Board and all tokens are made of high quality non-scratch acrylic, capable of lasting you many games.

Whats your Rank Soldier?

These are the Pledge Levels

1st Class: estimated delivery is in November 2017

2nd Class: estimated delivery is in December 2017

3rd Class: estimated delivery is from January 2018


High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 01 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 03 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 02

What is the Command Board ?

High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 13 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 28 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 27 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 26 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 25 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 24 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 23 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 22 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 21 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 20 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 19 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 18 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 17 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 16 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 15 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 14 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 04


same as Sergeant-Level plus:

High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 05 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 12 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 11 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 10 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 09 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 08 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 07 High End Acrylic Command Board For Infinity 06


same as Lieutenant-Level plus:

  • 3 Sniffer Marker 15mm
  • 3 Sniffer Marker 25mm
  • 5 Smoke Marker
  • 5 additional Camouflage Marker
  • 2 additional TO-Camouflage Marker
  • 2 additional Repeater Marker
  • 2 additional Mine Marker
  • 3 Monofilament Mine Marker
  • 3 Viral Mine Marker
  • 2 Holo Echo Marker (1&2)
  • 2 Sniffer Marker
  • 24 25mm Base Underlays with LoF Angle Markings ready for magnetizing
  • 4 40mm Base Underlays with LoF Angle Markings ready for magnetizing
  • 6 55mm Base Underlays with LoF Angle Markings ready for magnetizing
  • 50 Neodym Magnets


same as Major-Level plus individual logo on the Board (Control Deck)

Division-Level for Gaming Clubs

10x Major-Level with the logo of the Club on the Board (Control Deck)

Headquarter-Level for Shops only!

10x Major-Level each with a set of Silhouette Markers and a set of extra Dice sets

Transport costs Germany

  • Sergeant- to General-Level € 5,–
  • Division- and Headquarter-Level € 15,–

Transport costs Europe

  • Sergeant- to General-Level € 6,–
  • Division- and Headquarter-Level € 20,–

Transport costs Worldwide (not Germany and Europe)

  • Sergeant- to General-Level € 15,–
  • Division- and Headquarter-Level € 50,–

If we would get more then 1.000 Likes and the post will be shared more then 100 times, every Pledger (above the Sergeant-Level) will a get a free Holo-Add for his terrain (made up by MDF and printed Acryl).

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 26 Tage.


Quelle: Infinity Command Board bei Kickstarter


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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