von BK-Nils | 27.05.2017 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Hasslefree: Neuheiten im Mai [NSFW]

Bei Hasslefree gibt es im Mai einen Schwung an Neuheiten, mit sehr charaktervollen Modellen, von Rebellen über Tyrannen hin zu Elfen, sowie sehr freizügigen Dämonen und mehr.

Hasslefree Miniatures_Larran Jax

Larran Jax – 5,00 GBP plus MWST

A former rebel in the war with the Akulian Empire, Larran Jax now operates as a … trader. Seen here with a modified Shard rifle. Many rebels ended up with such weapons following the war and held on to them, making the black market for shard ammo fairly lucrative.

Kev White

13.4 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Immortan Drumpf

Immortan Drumpf – 5,00 GBP plus Steuer

15 years after Drumpf became the leader of the Free World, the planet is in a catastrophic state. The oceans have run dry, the air is toxic, the bees have died and we have run out of spray tan.

Maintaining leadership via the remarkably simple process of ignoring reality, the Tangerine Titan continues to hold power and in fact has seemingly grown younger, hairier and more orange than ever.

Kev White

15.6 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Seren a Delyth

Seren a Delyth – 5,00 GBP plus Steuer

Seren is a Celtic archer and adventurer. Seen here dressed lightly and with her trusty bow.

Kev White

12.7 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Ariniel

Ariniel – 4,17 GBP plus Steuer

Ariniel is an elf of the Western Sea. His people are descended from inland Wood Elves but have long since favoured the coast and are able sailors on both sea and rivers.

Ari Niellson

13.6 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Daev

Daev – 5,00 GBP plus Steuer

Daev Arnor, ex-Prime of the High Legion, current nomadic adventurer. After leaving the Legion due to a small .. disagreement with a superior, Daev has since embarked on a fast moving adventurers life. The fact that he still wears his old armour and carries a Legion sword however indicates he hasn’t quite put his old life behind him.

Kev White

14.1 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Cambion Brute

Cambion Brute – 5,00 GBP plus Steuer

The Cambions are the hybrid offspring of Incubi and non-demonic females. A brute like this is likely the result of breeding with either an Orc or a very large human indeed.

Height ~37mm to top of horns

Kev White

17 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_40mm Barbaric Lilith (resin)

40mm Barbaric Lilith (resin) – 15,00 GBP plus Steuer

An artist friend of HF has graciously allowed us to recreate her work as a 40mm sculpture. The fully clothedone will be along laterbut for now we have the ‚barbaric‘ version.

42mm to top of horns.

(Technically, all of these are Resin Masters)

Kev White

21.7 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Resin Master - Mia

Resin Master – Mia – 12,50 GBP plus Steuer

Mia is the youngest daughter of a noble family, seen here dancing skyclad.

A finished dolly, a fully clothed Mia will be along at some point 🙂

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of ‚Mia Skyclad‘, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.

Kev White

10.7 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Resin Master - Jarl Skyclad

Resin Master – Jarl Skyclad – 12,50 GBP plus Steuer

The human incarnation of an Incubi Prince, Jarl is seen here just after transformation so sans clothing.

35mm to top of head.

This is a Limited Edition Resin ‚Master Casting‘ of ‚Jarl Skyclad‘, the standard white metal version (when available) can be found below. These Master Castings are strictly limited to however many we can get out of any Master Moulds before they deteriorate. These are about as limited as anything we’ve made and are the closest thing to Kev’s original green as possible so hold the highest level of detail available.

Kev White

15.2 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Resin Master - Klax Skyclad

Resin Master – Klax Skyclad – 10,00 GBP plus Steuer

A diminutive Dragonslayer, Klax is seen here naked as the day he was born and with a simple axe.

30mm to top of head.

Kev White

12.3 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Resin Master - Ghast

Resin Master – Ghast – 10,00 GBP plus Steuer

Not all ghouls are made equal. How ghouls come about isn’t entirely known, some say they are created by the death of a cannibal, others claim black magic is involved, but no matter how they come about they keep some of the power of their human form.

A Ghast is when the living human who becomes the flesh eating undead was a powerful specimen indeed.

31mm to top of head.

Kev White

13.2 grams

Hasslefree Miniatures_Resin Master - Spellcasting Elf Dolly

Resin Master – Spellcasting Elf Dolly – 12,50 GBP plus Steuer

A Spellcasting Female Elf, approximately 28mm in height with an incredibly intricate pose.

This is one of our premium dollies, technically a resin master and taken directly from a master mould of Kev’s green. They are primarily for sculpting practise but have also been used by customers to simply add their own hair/weapons/equipment and create their perfect miniature.

No licensing is implied or given with this dolly. 28mm to top of head.

Kev White

11.8 grams

Quelle: Hasslefree Miniatures


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Schicke Sachen dabei. Finn, der Donald in Mad Max Optik, Merida, Elrond.

    Wie immer wies das sehr zu gefallen und zu amüsieren.

  • DEM HERRGOTT SEIS GEDANKT… kein nackter Drumpf… allerdings wirds auch der mal in meine Sammlung schaffen allein schon als Superschurke für ein Superhelden TT und wenn er den Kingpin ersetzt.

      • Das wird für mich auch eine Herausforderung.

        Ich finde, sie sieht irgendwie unfertig aus. Aber genau das macht den Reiz mit aus.

  • Der Fynn aus Star Wars ist ganz cool geworden und die Elfenkrieger.
    ich würde mir ja einen Barbaren in der ganz klassichen Hero Quest Pose wünschen.

    • Mit ein bisschen Phantasie kann man da „Sana“ durchgehen lassen, auch von Hasslefree.
      Ansonsten gab es doch letztens erst eine Meldung, wo jemand Modelle genau nach dem Boxcover der alten Heroquestschachtel gemacht hat. 🙂

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