von Buschgroll | 28.08.2012 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Urban Construct: Access Ramp

Urban Construct hat einige neue Autobahnauffahrten angekündigt. Anscheinend sind diese bei der Salute gut angekommen und nun wird ab 29. August die Vorbestellung für die limitierten Rampen beginnen.

Urban construct - access ramps Urban construct - access ramp

Urbanconstruct are pleased to present their new resin 25/28mm ramps that are designed to fit in with their ‘Flyover’ raised roadway series of models. The self supporting ramp comes with a solid electrical sub-station/plantroom under (see yellow louvred door and extract fan in the photo). The ‘flyover’ range includes central reservations and crash barriers, four-column supports, ‘T’ column supports, straight roads with parapets and ruined road sections. Slip roads will be added and a limited number available at Colours 2012.

The individual access ramp, to reach the flyover , bridge or ‘freeway’ is only £15 for a length of 290mm and has walls either side which are 20mm high, superbly suited to rest weapons on! Alternative column sets are available. The four column set £4.50 can be used as a pair to support a bridge £7 over, for example a motorway or river or just as a cross-over support in the built environment. The single ‘T’ support £3.50 has a separate base so that the models can be detached and stored or transported flat. The trucks £5, BTR80 and ruined scientific building £66 are also available on our website.

Double width versions to suit landraiders etc…are available to order. Please contact us via the website.

As with all our models these have highly textured surfaces. The road surface is gritty and this helps dry-brushing and with stopping figures sliding down. No bluetac has been used in these photos! The wall surfaces represent rough cast concrete. In some places the surface has spoiled away to expose the aggregate and reinforcing bars. We’re not sure of the cause but perhaps the nuclear explosion 20km away or local HE gunfire had something to do with this.

As with our other buildings and sewers, this series of models is manufactured to a modular format. The advantage of our modular approach is that you have flexibility in how you lay them out or re-use them for alternative scenarios.

The flyover was very popular at Salute. We will only be bringing a limited number of ramps and slip roads. To avoid disappointment we will be taking pre-orders for Colours 2012 from now until Wednesday 29th August.

Link: Urban Construct


Buschgroll/Michael, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2002 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 40k. Aktuelle Projekte: Adeptus Sororitas (40k), Covenant of Antarctica (Dystopian Wars) und viele Geländeteile.

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  • Ein Geländestück, dass für Postspokalypse oder modernes Krieggebiet gleichermaßen geeignet ist. Mir wäre es wohl für eine Rampe etwas zu steil, aber so etwas kann es geben, das weis ich wohl…

    • Ich denke das ist dem Maßstab und der Spielbarkeit geschuldet…hätte das Ding den korrekten Winkel wäre es sich die Rampe alleine sicher über 3 Meter lang

      Aber ich gebe dir recht, für die ganzen modernen 28mm Militär Skirmisher (vor allem die mit dem aktuell recht populärem „Naher-Osten“-Thema sicher sehr gut geeignet

  • Yeah erinnert an Carmageddon ^^

    Aber werden die da drauf auch halten ?
    Oder sind die mit Magneten bzw. festgeleimt ?!

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