von Dennis | 20.05.2012 | eingestellt unter: Bases

Secret Weapon Miniatures: Washes-Video und neue Bases

In diesem Monat bringt Secret Weapon Miniatures neue „Frozen Corpse“ Bases und ein Video zur Nutzung ihrer Washes heraus.

Secret Weapon Miniatures - Frozen Corpses Bases Secret Weapon Miniatures - Frozen Corpses Bases

This month I’m bringing you what are, in my highly biased opinion, the most amazing bases ever put on a table. The attached images were sent in by one of our customers and were made with the new „Corpse Fields“ bases and one of the „Masterclass Scenics: Crushed Glass Bundle“ sets.

The result is, I’m sure you’ll agree, gruesome and spectacular.

We also posted a „First Look“ video for the Secret Weapon Washes – giving you a look at how these differ from the other washes (or inks, glazes, etc.) on the market.

Link: Secret Weapon Miniatures


SiamTiger / Dennis, Stellvetr. Chefredakteur von Brückenkopf Online. Seit 1996 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop Blood Bowl. Aktuelle Projekte: http://www.chaosbunker.de/

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