von Christian/Fritz | 07.05.2012 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Dark Age: Neuheiten

Dark Age Miniatures stellen einige ihrer kommenden Neuheiten vor.
Dabei handelt es sich zum einen um einen Alpha Broodling, zum anderen um Plights.

April showers did not, in fact, bring May flowers…they brought the Brood two great new types of Units for our favorite race of sentient bio-weapons to crush the opposition! Deep in the Black Swamp, the Broodmere is pleased…

Broodlings, a vicious Brood offshoot evolved on a different path from the common Pud, have always been frenzied and difficult to control even for the most enhanced of Broodspawn leaders. It requires large amounts of attention and resources to keep a Broodling pack from going completely feral – or just one Alpha Broodling. The Alpha Broodling is the Brood Mere’s special creation designed to control the Broodling strains by focusing on their bestial natures. Created larger, tougher and far more aggressive than the baseline species, Alpha Broodlings instinctively take control of groups of lesser Broodlings while remaining genetically loyal to the Brood Mere’s commands.[…]

Plights are one of the “newest” of the Brood’s genetic recipes, creating a durable humanoid investigator bred with a powerful curiosity that hungers for knowledge about one thing – humanity. Predisposed toward studying every facet of the Creator-Gods, Plights spend their lives learning about humankind and passing it back into the collective pool of knowledge that is the Brood Mere. Watching from afar to learn about habits, ecology and other behavioral traits, a group of Plights will commonly lurk outside human settlements for days before a Brood encroachment takes place. They are cautious to engage until they know they can handle the situation, or rather, until they know they can learn more about their targets close up and personally.[…]

Quelle: Dark Age Games


bald 32 Jahre alt, Einstieg ins Hobby erfolgte mit Hero Quest vor nunmehr bald 19 Jahren. Bevorzugt Skirmish-Spiele. Aktuelle Projekte: Warte sehnsüchtig auf den Hell Dorado Inferno Kickstarter KRam, Freebooter's Fate, diverese Kleinbaustellen.

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  • Naja, da war Dark Age in der Vergangenheit schon deutlich innovativer. Wenn ich nur an die Artworks von CORE denke.

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