von BK-Herr Kemper | 15.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Flames of War, Moderne

Battlefront: neues NAM Regelwerk

Battlefront Miniatures veröffentlicht ein neues NAM Regelwerk, Karten und Army Deals.

Battlefront Miniatures NAM1 Battlefront Miniatures NAM2

NAM Regelwerk – 35,00 EUR

With Mike Haught.
Vietnam. In a small corner of the world, one of the most bloody wars to be fought occurred in this small country in Southeast Asia. Traditionally framed as a war of small skirmishes, long patrols, and guerilla ambushes, there is a lot more that happened such as full-scale offensives and pitched battles.The US and its allies have all the advantages of mobility and firepower. The ubiquitous Huey helicopter has become a symbol the war itself as it carries troops into battle and unloads fire on the enemy. Heavily armed flotillas sail up the windy Mekong Delta, heavy tanks and M113 ‘tracks’ bash their way through the jungle searching for enemy strongpoints, and resolute ‘grunts’ hold firebases against fierce enemy assaults…
Meanwhile, the Nationalists have all the advantages of the home team. They fight as guerillas, choosing the time and place of major operations or surprise attacks and appearing from nowhere to ambush enemy hunting them. When the time is right, they even commit their tanks, armoured personnel carriers, and seasoned troops into the fray to achieve total victory.

‘Nam gives you have everything* you need to take command of one of these forces. Building on the success of Battlefront’s Team Yankee, these rules and forces are easy to learn and use. Within these pages you can find all of the scenarios, missions, and notes on terrain to fully brief you before you step onto your Huey to lead your troops to the landing zone!

(Well, almost everything. A groovy playlist of 1960s and 70s tunes is compulsory for maximum playability.)

Battlefront Miniatures NAM15

About The Book
Nam! is a one-stop shop for all of your Vietnam battles on the tabletop. It includes a complete rules set, missions, and a comprehensive list of American, South Vietnamese, North Vietnamese, and ANZAC forces to play. ‘Nam! includes a whole new set of rules based on the successful Team Yankee system. This gives you a streamlined set of rules and missions so you should be getting into the jungle a lot faster than ever before. There are also updated missions as well, keeping all of the flavour of the old Vietnam missions and streamlining the mission rules for fast-paced and exciting games.If you’re a seasoned Vietnam gamer, you’ll find all of your forces are here in the book as well as some new ones, such as the USMC and elite North Vietnamese sappers. So let’s start there and dive in to take a look at what’s new, what’s different, and how to properly play a Vietnam game.

What’s New?
One of the highly anticipated forces in ‘Nam! are the US Marines. The Marines occupied the northern border of South Vietnam along the demilitarised zone. They were in constant contact with North Vietnamese forces during their entire stay in country, engaged in epic sieges, gruelling patrols, and fierce combat actions. In the book you’ll find a US Marine Rifle Company and a Marine Tank Company. The Marines have an unrivalled esprit-de-corps and  this is reflected in the unit cards, giving them high morale and excellent combat ability. They have some interesting equipment as well, such as the enormous LVTP-5 amphibious transport.

Descended from the ole LVPs from WWII, this beast was designed to carry an entire platoon of marines in two vehicles, unlike the M113 which would typically carry a half dozen troops. To put that into game terms, the platoon’s transports are carrying 5 to 7 teams each!

The Marines were backed by the first batch of M48 Patton tanks to arrive in the country in 1967. The Marine tanks saw lot of action in Vietnam, often accompanying patrols on missions up to the demilitarised zone. In addition to these gun tanks, they also had the only M48 flame tanks in country, equipped with a flamethrower instead of a main gun. These were useful for reducing bunkers and clearing brush away for the patrols.

The Marines really, really loved their 106mm recoilless rifles. So much so that they had one of the oddest vehicles in country, the bizarre M50 Ontos. The Ontos was a small fully-tracked armoured vehicle that carried no less than six 106 millimetre recoilless guns! Originally built as a tank destroyer, the Ontos was frequently used in Vietnam as a bunker buster or an infantry support gun. You can take several platoons of these little devils in your Marine formations.

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The second most requested force for Vietnam has been the North Vietnamese Special Tasks Battalion also famously known as sappers. These troops often led the assaults on major Free World firebases, silently sneaking into positions just prior to the battle and clearing a patch for the follow up assault forces. This gives the nationalists an elite force of their own, highly skilled and motivated to complete the mission before them. Unlike the other typical Nationalist forces they’re small units but they hit very hard.

Battlefront Miniatures NAM18

The book also extends the game’s timeline somewhat into 1975, when the last battles were fought between the south and the north Vietnamese. This allows players to field some new South Vietnamese formations such as M48 heavy tanks that they got from the Americans after the withdrawal in 1973. We’ve also included South Vietnamese marines to the Riverine forces which were highly regarded by their US comrades during the ‘vietnamization’ of the Mobile Riverine Force in 1968/69.

What About My Old Armies
For all of us old salts, our forces from previous tours are totally compatible with the new book. In fact there are probably new ways to feel your old forces if you wanted to try  something new with something old.

Total Immersion
One final note from the designer… Vietnam has the best soundtrack of any period in wargaming. To that end, ‘Nam! was designed to be experienced with groovy tunes playing in the background. While somewhat optional, you’ll be missing out if you don’t have a playlist of groovy tunes from the 1960s and 70s playing in the background. To help with that, in the history section of the book, I’ve included Billboard’s top 10 for each of the war years. This should help you assemble an appropriate soundtrack for your game. If you’re a Spotify user, I’ve made a list that has 6hrs of Nam-tastic groovy tunes that you can spin up on game day. Enjoy!

Mike’s ‘Nam Playlist…

Zusätzlich sind eine Reihe von Set mit Einheitenkarten erschienen:

Battlefront Miniatures NAM3 Battlefront Miniatures NAM4 Battlefront Miniatures NAM5

ANZAC Units Cars – 31 Karten – 9,00 EUR

Battlefront Miniatures NAM12 Battlefront Miniatures NAM13 Battlefront Miniatures NAM14

PAVN Units Cards – 43 Karten – 11,00 EUR

Battlefront Miniatures NAM9 Battlefront Miniatures NAM10 Battlefront Miniatures NAM11

ARVN Units Cards – 54 Karten – 13,00 EUR

Battlefront Miniatures NAM6 Battlefront Miniatures NAM7 Battlefront Miniatures NAM8

USA Units Cards – 117 Karten – 26,00 EUR

Battlefront Miniatures NAM Army Deals1 Battlefront Miniatures NAM Army Deals2

K-2 Ironclad Battalion – Army Deal – 65,00 EUR

Battlefront Miniatures NAM Army Deals3 Battlefront Miniatures NAM Army Deals4

Air Cavalry Troop – Army Deal – 60,00 EUR

Battlefront Miniatures NAM Army Deals5 Battlefront Miniatures NAM Army Deals6


Black Horse Cavalry Troop – Army Deal – 58,00 EUR

Preise beinhalten zur Zeit den 25% Einführungsrabatt.

Link: Vietnam Team Yankee Website


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • „Basierend auf Team Yankee“ = Fantasie-Werte ohne Grundlage, aber Hauptsache die Amis sind die best of the best of the best..

  • Ich freu mich sehr auf dieses Bücher. Wir hatten mir Tour of Duty und Brown Water Navy schon ein paar richtig gute Spiele und die das Thema war schon dammals gut getroffen. Gerae die asymetrische Kriegsführung hat hier den Reiz ausgemacht. Die Amis haben zwar die beste Ausrüstung. Aber die PAVN und NLF sind extrem motiviert und können überall zuschlagen. Was wirklich reizvoll war. Meine Spielgruppe hat dann auch Team Yankee aufgegriffen, wenn auch für sich in 6mm modifiziert. Sachen die uns nicht gefallen haben, wurden auch einfach besprochen und geändert. Somit hoffe ich, dass das neue Buch die guten Sachen von Team Yankee und der 4. Edition aufgreift und mit den guten der alten Büchern vrschmilzt. Und wenn was nicht passt, wird es halt passend gemacht. Ist ehe kein richtig competives System.

    • Schade, wenn die Regeln hier nicht kompetitiv sind, denn solche Settings leben vom taktischen Wettkampf gegeneinander!

      • Da kann man sehr unterschiedlicher Meinung sein. Ich denke solche Settings brauchen Spieler, die eben solche Settings haben wollen und auch nicht davor zurückschrecken selbst Hand ans Regelwerk zu legen. Kompetetiv setzt immer gleiche Chancen voraus und im Vietnam Krieg haben die USA und der Vietcong nicht die gleichen Chancen.

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