von BK-Rafael | 24.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Patreon

OnePageRules: Januar News – The Last Tear

OnePageRules zeigen weitere News des Monats mit Previews und einer neuen Frontiers Kampagne: The Last Tear.

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Januar News & Previews

The next Age of Fantasy Frontiers Campaign revealed

Opr Jan4 Banner The Last Tear

We’re excited to announce that in February we will be releasing The Last Tear, an all new Narrative Campaign for Age of Fantasy: Skirmish, launching first on MyMiniFactory’s Frontiers. You’ll have the opportunity to pick up the new campaign book, new heroes, and even the entire Ratmen and War Daemons 3D printable armies at an incredible launch discount.

The Ratmen city of Brec, perched at the edge of the Rift, has stood tall for centuries and withstood many attacks from Daemons of the Havoc Gods. No army has posed a serious threat to its soldiers in decades.

When a reviled War Daemon Champion appears at the border, Ratman Captain Kedseit Teibanec sees it as a chance to live up to his ancestor’s deeds. But will he be able to drive back the hordes of Daemons Ironpride and Cleaverfang? Was he really chosen by the God-Mother, as claimed by the Priest Hepalit? And what exactly is Ironpride planning to do with the last tear-shaped gem left in his ancient necklace?

The Last Tear is a narrative campaign for Age of Fantasy: Skirmish, pitting the brave Ratmen soldiers of Brec against the Rift Daemons of War. It allows you to play a series of battles telling the tale of old enemies reigniting their rivalry.

Opr AoFLT Fantasy Campaign Banner With Free Minis

The Frontiers Campaign Features:

  • An All New Narrative Campaign for Age of Fantasy: Skirmish
  • Four New Hero Models
  • Two Full Fantasy Armies Featuring Over 220 Models!
  • And More!

Coming February 13th – Sign Up Now and Get:

  • Two Free Minis Today
  • A 5% Discount Code on the Main Tiers at Launch!


Grimdark Future: Broken Truth Battle Box Unit Reveal

Opr Banner Guardians

It has been a crazy week since we announced the Gamefound campaign. We plan to reveal the full range of miniatures in the main box over the course of the next few weeks, this week we reveal the Robot Legions Guardians, the Answer to the Saurian Starhost Warriors revealed in the first update and FAQs.

Check out the latest update and reveal on the Gamefound page

Opr GF Broken Truth GameFound Campaign


Grimdark Future: Broken Truth offers a comprehensive and accessible entry point into the game. This massive box set is packed with everything you need to engage in epic sci-fi battles, including:

  • Two full armies for Grimdark Future with a total of 77 high quality 32mm plastic miniatures.
  • Everything you need to play, including the rules, tokens, dice, and terrain.


Community Survey Results

Opr Jan4 11

At the end of last month we ran our bi-annual community survey, and with over 1600 responses, it was again our largest survey yet! To get a comprehensive breakdown of all the responses with some informative charts and graphs, the article on our website has the full story about how the community interacts with our games and company.

Check out the Survey Results Here on our Website

Community Videos

Opr MWG Thumbnail


In the latest MiniWarGaming video the Saurian Starhost take on the Eternal Dynasty. The Starhost trespass into Dynasty territory following their prophesies. The Eternal Dynasty will not let a show of force on their holdings go unnoticed and defend themselves with an equal, if at first unseen, gesture of force.

Check out the Battle Report on MiniWarGaming’s Youtube

New Previews

At the top of post, you’ll see some early previews of the what we are working on for February!

Rumbling in from the distance are the February Human Defense Force. The HDF Bikers are a light, rapid assault unit. Their job is to harass the enemy with ride by maneuvers, either shooting with their pistols, or riding into the enemy head on before continuing through them.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models and not the final versions of the models.

That’s it for now, happy wargaming!

– OPR Team

Quelle: OnePageRules, Patreon


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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