von BK-Rafael | 22.01.2025 | eingestellt unter: Marvel

Marvel Crisis Protocol: War of Kings und Gladiator

AMG präsentieren eine Vorschau von War of Kings und Gladiator für Crisis Protocol.

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Marvel: Crisis Protocol – From Panel to Play: War of Kings and Gladiator

Today’s From Panel to Play starts with a wedding between Ronan the Accuser and the Inhuman, Crystal. As the ceremony begins, the Shi’ar teleport in, led by the mighty warrior Gladiator and the Imperial Guard! As the leader of the Imperial Guard, Gladiator’s surprise attack heralds the beginning of the War of Kings, a cosmos-consuming conflict led by the Inhumans and Kree against the Shi’ar!

The War of Kings is a new type of product in the Marvel: Crisis Protocol portfolio. In addition to introducing Gladiator (more on him in a bit), ten new Crisis Cards will be added to the game! These Crisis Cards are evenly divided between Extractions and Secures and are designed to tell the story of the War of Kings. Additionally, they interact with each other in new ways while being completely compatible with the rest of the Crisis Cards.

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As you can see from the Ship Security Breached in Royal Rescue and Guardians Save Shi’ar Empress in Style Crisis Cards above, some of these new Crisis Cards interact with their counterparts to provide extra effects to characters that engage with them. For example, a character holding a keycard will gain Power after Interacting with a Secure objective token and Interacting with a Security Terminal while holding an Extraction objective token grants a reroll on the Interact’s dice roll. None of these effects require specific Crisis Cards to be opposite of them to activate, ensuring all of them are easy to use with any existing Crisis Card. These are only two of the 10 Crisis Cards in this pack, however. Look out for more previews of the rest of them as we get closer to their release.

Now that we’ve discussed the Crisis Cards, let’s focus on the new character in this pack. Gladiator is an immensely powerful being, earning him a Threat Value of 6 that boasts 9 Stamina on both sides of his card along with defenses of 4/5/4. He has excellent mobility with the Flight Innate superpower and Medium Speed.

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Gladiator is an exceptional combatant and he knows it! The Majestor’s Bravado Innate superpower grants him the ability to Interact with Confidence tokens. Whenever Gladiator deals damage with Praetor Punch he will gain one Confidence token. He can hold 5 of these tokens and they come into play whenever he makes an attack. Each Confidence token will add one die to the attack roll and these tokens are not consumed by the attack. When he takes damage, however, his resolve will be shaken and he will lose Confidence.

Given its relationship with The Majestor’s Bravado, we should look at Praetor Punch next. This attack is a medium range attack with a Strength of 6. It generates Power and comes with the Suppressive special rule. Suppressive removes Power from the target based on the number of Wild results in the attack roll. This happens after the attack resolves, stealing some of the target’s Power gained as a result of the damage taken. Gladiator also brings an Eye Beam attack. Unlike the Eye Beam attacks of other characters, this one is a Beam with a Range of 4 that will leave targets with the Incinerate special condition.

Gladiator’s final attack is the mighty Majestor’s Might. This medium range attack sports 10 dice and two very powerful special rules to make it worth its 5 Power cost. The first special rule is Stagger, which ensures the target of this attack will gain the Stagger special condition. The second special rule is Throw. Throw does not have a Size limitation, making it exceptionally powerful at relocating enemy characters.

Gladiator also comes with a couple powerful Active superpowers. The first is For the Empress and Empire! Superpowers that grant movement along with an attack are always good due to their two-for-one nature. This one costs 3 Power and allows Gladiator to make a move action and a Praetor Punch attack. If this attack deals damage, Gladiator will gain one Confidence token. This will work with The Majestor’s Bravado to give him a total of two Confidence tokens—an excellent way to begin a brawl.

Gladiator’s Imperial Authority is his second Active superpower. He uses his immense strength to Throw terrain features of Size 4 or less a Long distance. If you’ve never been on the receiving end of one of these throws, it hurts.

Both of Gladiator’s Active superpowers cost 3 Power. To support these hefty costs, he has the Alpha Strontian Physiology Innate superpower to grant him additional Power during the Power Phase.

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Gladiator comes with two Team Tactic Cards highlighting his power and authority. Praetor of the Imperial Guard allows him to spend 4 Power to give 2 Power to a number of allies equal to the number of Confidence tokens he has. If he can hold onto his Confidence tokens, this can give the squad a lot of Power through a display of undeniable authority.

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When an enemy character strikes down an ally, Gladiator can charge in with a powerful Praetor Punch to avenge them by using the Protector of the Empire Team Tactic Card. This card functions as a Reactive version of his For the Empress and Empire! superpower with a move followed by an attack and the potential for a bonus Confidence token. Enemies will have to think twice before attacking Gladiator’s allies when he is nearby!

As the smoke clears around the ruined wedding, Gladiator and his forces withdraw, having made their point. The War of Kings is on, and the galaxy will never be the same. As the Inhumans and the Kree take stock of their losses and begin planning their response we head home to prepare for the inevitable.

Be sure to check back later for yet another installment of From Panel to Play, the series where we give you your first look at how your favorite characters and Crisis Cards arrive at the tabletop in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Pre-order your War of Kings Crisis Card Pack today from your local gaming store or online at the webstore today!

Until next time, Atomic Mass Games, signing off!

Quelle: AMG Transmission


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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