von BK-Rafael | 31.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon, Science-Fiction

Puppetswar: Juli Release und August Vorschau

Puppetswar präsentieren neue Veröffentlichungen für ihren Juli Release, sowie eine Vorschau für August.

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July 2024 Release + August Preview

Hi, Gang!

July releases are done! Strikers Air Speeder and Orc Ultimate Badasses Squad can be downloaded here. As usual, we will share it with you on MMF as soon as possible.

Again, you only have access to unsupported files. As soon as possible, we will update your MMF with supported versions. If you still prefer to download files from a direct link just send us a DM we will prepare one for you.

We thought that in this month we would be able to catch up and deliver supports on time but something came up. Unexpectedly we got involved in The 40k World Team Championship that will take place next week in Belgium. We prepared a few sets for the Polish National Team, and due to this cooperation, we ended up sculpting The Exorcist Battlewalker arms upgrade set (new files were already added to our existing MMF set) and Tomb Strikers which we decided to be part of our August Release. A lot of files for this set are already done so for the first time in many months we can share some Preview for what you will be getting next month!

Puppetswar Juli 14Puppetswar Juli 17 Puppetswar Juli 18

In August you will be getting:

  • Orc Half-Cyborg War-chopper Rider
  • Demonic Elementals – infantry units in three sizes, regular, medium and small
  • Tomb Strikers squad (based on existing Knight-style bodies of gunners and elite strikers)
  • Tomb Breachers squad (based on existing Breachers Bodies)

Tomb Strikers has been on our To-Do List for some time now, when it turned out that our team would need that kind of models we decided to shift our schedule and jump on this project. In September we plan to get back on vehicles for Strikers.

Other news:
This month we also managed to update a few existing sets: RaptOrcs Cavalry, RaptOrc Leader, Digger Bugs and Prime Recon Snipers. All of you who already have those products in your Puppetswar store account or MMF library please download them again.

Thank you for your patience, trust and support!

Have fun printing!
PW Team


Quelle:Puppetswar StorePuppetswar auf Facebook



Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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