von BK-Jonah | 09.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Orcs of Vralon: Neuer Kickstarter für WoW-inspirierte Orcs

Der neue Miniatur-Hersteller MiniCrave macht sein Debüt mit Warcraft-inspirierten Orcs für den heimischen 3D-Drucker.

Orcs Of Vralon 3D Printable Miniatures Set


In the dense, perilous jungles of Vralon, where towering trees and untamed beasts rule the land, the Orcs of Vralon have asserted their dominance as the apex predators. Yet, amidst this wild hierarchy, a creature looms large, casting a shadow even the boldest Orc fears—the mighty dragon, Maroxa.

The leadership of the orcs is embodied by their fierce Warchief, Atora. Renowned for his unparalleled strength and battle prowess, Atora is the only Orc capable of contending with Maroxa. Their clashes are the stuff of legend, resonating through the jungle like thunder, a testament to their formidable power.

However, a darker force binds the fate of these mighty Orcs: the Chains of Vralon. This ancient curse, woven by the insidious warlock Galor, ensures no Orc can ever leave the jungle’s embrace. Unbeknownst to them, Galor lives among the tribe in disguise. With a secret that could unravel their very existence, he observes, an enemy hidden in plain sight.

Galor, who is secretly aligned with a demonic tribe, wields the curse as his leverage. His own tribe, less powerful and terrified of the Orcs‘ might, relies on Galor’s cunning for protection. Despite their fears, the demonic tribe’s survival is intricately linked to keeping the Orcs confined within the jungle’s borders, perpetuating a cycle of fear and control.

Only Galor possesses the ability to traverse beyond Vralon, a privilege he safeguards to maintain his influence and continue his clandestine surveillance.

At the heart of Vralon, both literally and metaphorically, lies the Mace Heart—a mystical artifact said to be imbued with the essence and vitality of the jungle itself. Legend holds that whoever wields the Mace Heart will command not only the allegiance of all creatures within Vralon but possibly break the Chains that bind them.

As tensions simmer and secrets threaten to surface, the Orcs of Vralon might soon find themselves at a crossroads, battling not just for dominance, but for freedom from the shadows that chain them to their cursed fate.

What We Offer

  • 18 Unique Models Ready to Print and Play
    • Based or Unbased, Supported (28, 32 and 75mm) or Unsupported
    • Stat blocks and mini stories for you to incorporate into your campaign
  • 11 Unique Busts of your new orc army for your painting pleasure
  • A Unique Base (Also provided separate to the models as well as together as one piece for print and play)

Warriors of Vralon

Warriors of Vralon are the one of the main pillars of the Vralon Camp they solve everything with brute strength and brute strength only.

MiniCrave Orcs of Vralon Kickstarter Vorschaubild 1 MiniCrave Orcs of Vralon Kickstarter Vorschaubild 2 MiniCrave Orcs of Vralon Kickstarter Vorschaubild 3

Rangers of Vralon

Rangers of Vralon are camouflage based hunters in order to hunt their prey from shadows or far away without the prey realizes its been hunted.

MiniCrave Orcs of Vralon Kickstarter Vorschaubild 4

Shamans of Vralon

Shamans of Vralon are the peak of intellect within the camp they use mind games and strategies in order to turn tables against enemies.

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Warlocks of Vralon

Warlocks of Vralon use cunning spells in order to eliminate anything beyond them.

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Riders of Vralon

Riders of Vralon are speed based brute force and they can go behind the enemy forces easily in order to destroy enemy forces from inside.

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The Armored Wolf of Vralon

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The Hog Carrier of Vralon

The Hog Carrier of Vralon is a legend among the Vralon Orcs he used to ride his Hog to the battles and demolish anyone upon him, due to aging he now carries the Hog to the bloody battles upon them.

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The Warchief of Vralon

The Warchief of Vralon is peak of brute force and defense he can easily destroy armies or anything that threatens him. In the legends it is said that it will be up to him in order to save the world or destroy everything and everyone.

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Custom Base

Every Orcs of Vralon model with come with a ready base and is ready to be printed.

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Ready for Play

Every character comes with a small backstory and pre-made stat-blocks to be easily incorporated into your campaigns as the next big enemy encounter for your heroes to battle.

Ready to Print

Our High-Quality STL Files and Designs are Ready to Print


Our models have been thoroughly test printed to ensure high quality and easy printing.


Just load your files on to your printer and press start.

Bonus Busts

With the purchase of the sets Busts will be given out for free of charge.

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File Delivery and Fulfillment

Our fulfillment will be made through MyMiniFactory Pledge Manager, or through a direct download link, whichever you prefer or both.

All files will be delivered after the campaign has ended and the funds from Kickstarter has cleared (Usually two weeks after the end of the campaign)

We will provide all backers with detailed information on how to access their files once the campaign ends.

Quelle: MiniCrave Orcs of Vralon Kickstarter


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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