von BK-Rafael | 28.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

OnePageRules: April Preview + Roadmap

OnePageRules zeigen eine Vorschau und Roadmap für April und darüber hinaus.

Opr01 Opr02 Opr03 Opr04 Opr5

April Preview + Roadmap

In April, we have the sixth release of the Vampiric Undead, with plenty of terrifying bat monsters darkining the skies as elite skeleton units ride forward. We also have the second release for the High Elf Fleets, featuring powerful casters supported by heavy artillery for even more destruction.

Be sure to join our Patreon to get our April Rewards!

April New Release

In April the Vampiric Undead terrorize their foes with the Champion on Abyssal Beast. The Horror doesn’t stop there as the Bat Horrors and Bat Dragon descend in support. The Skeleton Watch hold down the ramparts with sturdy armor and long range crossbows that drive through enemy defenses. Charging out the gates is the Deathly Chariot, causing enemies to flee in fear when it’s skeleton crew sets their eyes on them.

Also in April the High Elf Fleets send out their psychics with the High Oracle and the Acolytes, guiding their units and raining down devastation with their supernatural abilities. The Elven Noble is a master of the elven war arts. The Strikers bring the fight to the enemy, deploying ahead to swiftly engage what’s left of the enemy after the Support Artillery is done with their barrage.

Lastly in April is the Plague Daemons Epic Soul Daemon whose vile cannon and sword melts their adversaries with a toxic drip. It’s dense body of overlapping caps and scales is extra difficult to hack down.

In April, we’re also releasing the The Forest Ruins Terrain. It is designed with resin printing in mind, and features modular that pieces can be combined to create a large variety of woodland layouts.

For our 2D releases, you’ll see Human Empire – Set #2 as well as Blessed Sisters – Set #5 and both of those faction’s terrain sets. The 2D models are a great way to prepare armies for games quickly!

You’ll also get 8 Short Stories with Missions, 8 Game Missions, and access to the beta for Age of Fantasy: Quest!

  • 3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 59 models + 88 bases + 18 game aids + 18 Terrain):
    • Legendary – Plague Daemons Epic Soul Daemon
    • Vampiric Undead – Commander on Abyssal x2
    • Vampiric Undead – Ghoul Champion on Bat Dragon x2
    • Vampiric Undead – Skeleton Watch x16
    • Vampiric Undead – Bat Horrors x3
    • Vampiric Undead – Deathly Chariot x1
    • Vampiric Undead – Themed Bases x44
    • Vampiric Undead – Game Aids x9
    • High Elf Fleets – Noble x3
    • High Elf Fleets – High Oracle x3
    • High Elf Fleets – Strikers x20
    • High Elf Fleets – Acolytes x6
    • High Elf Fleets – Artillery x3+3
    • High Elf Fleets – Themed Bases x44
    • High Elf Fleets – Game Aids x9
    • Forest Ruins Terrain x18
    • GF: Warfleets – Marauders Fleet x4
  • 2D Print Rewards:
    • Human Empire – Set #2
    • Blessed Sisters – Set #5
    • Human Empire Terrain
    • Blessed Sisters Terrain
    • Games Rewards:
    • 8 Game Missions
    • AoF: Quest (beta)
  • Lore Rewards:
    • 8 Short Stories + Missions!

The above is only the new stuff that’s being added next month, so you’re also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, a 50% discount code for our MyMiniFactory store, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

In May the Vampiric Undead let loose the dogs of war with the Werewolf Champion and Werewolves unit. Their massive Claws rend through armor like butter. More Zombies rise from the grave with May’s Legendary Model, the Lord with Stitched Horde. But they’re not the only abominations of flesh. The heavy built Stitched Butchers also lumber from the ground, and the Zombie Dragon soars in from the sky, breathing death on those still living. The Skeleton Knights ready their lances and charge in with the Skeleton Commander on Skeletal Steed. Equipped with only the best armor for horse and ridder alike, they’re a swift and unstoppable force.

Also in May the High Elf Fleets turn up the heat with the Scorchers and Noble Scorcher. Adept in all things burning, the scorchers excel at being Anti-tank with their armor melting Fusion Rifles. When equipped with Heavy Flamers, they roast off hordes of enemies instead. The Stingers and Stinger Noble like to sneak close to their enemies to deliver swift and accurate strikes from their Stinger Blades, each strike injecting toxins that guarantee they fell their prey. The Anti-Gravity Tank is how the High Elf Fleets transport massive weapons of destruction swiftly around the battle. With many heavy and super heavy weapons to choose from it can be customized to take down any target.

We also have another sneak peak for the upcoming Shadow Stalkers army. The Butcher Champion stands large on the battlefield and wields fear in battle as effectively as its great weapons!


Here is the roadmap for the next few months:

  • May – Vampiric Undead & High Elf Fleets
  • June – Shadow Stalkers & High Elf Fleets + New Welcome Pack
  • July – Shadow Stalkers & High Elf Fleets

That’s it for now, happy wargaming!

– OPR Team

Quelle: OnePageRules


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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