von BK-Jonah | 20.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Midlam Miniatures: Imker-Kultisten im neuen Kickstarter

Wer seinen Kultiste eine ganz besondere Note geben will, wird im neuesten Kickstarter von Midlam Miniatures fündig.

Beekeepers & Bee Cultists!

A collection of 28mm medieval style bee-keeper miniatures, alongside their dark counterparts, the bee cultists!

Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Kickstarter Banner


The Beekeeper’s Guild was always highly regarded within Midlam. However there was a recent war within the great hive, and the cultists were narrowly defeated. And so the beekeepers silently and diligently go about their work, but is the cult really destroyed, or do they also work unseen to control the city…

Beekeeper’s & Bee Cultists!

Welcome to Beekeepers & Bee Cultists! A sequel to our Bee Cultists Kickstarter, and a chance to back the Beekeepers, Bee Cult or both! They make a great spooky addition to any medieval or fantasy setting.

The Beekeepers

Tirelessly working to maintain and protect the hives, the beekeepers are both masters and servants to the great hives.

Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Kickstarter Charaktere 1 Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Kickstarter Charaktere 2 Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Kickstarter Charaktere 3

The Bee Cultists

They have given up their humanity to becoming one with the hive, using the power of the hives for an unknowable evil.

Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Kickstarter Charaktere 4 Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Kickstarter Charaktere 5 Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Kickstarter Charaktere 6

Stretch Goal

Typically we announce a stretch goal a week or so into the Kickstarter. This is usually for a bonus miniature we provide extra for people who back the full set, with no added costs. Bee-ware! This time there will be a stretch goal miniature for both the Beekeepers and the Bee Cultists.

The Old Ways

You can also back the previous Beekepers and Bee Cultists as well if you missed them the first time around.

The Original Bee Cultists

A set of 12 Bee Cultists at the heart of the Beekeeper Cult.

Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Original Kickstarter Banner

The Original Beekeepers

A Set of 4 Beekeepers to dutifully tend your hives.

Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Original Kickstarter Miniaturen

A Note on Metal

Midlam Miniatures Beekeeper And Bee Cultists Metall Beispielbild

We now use a lead free high quality pewter from a reputable metal dealer, and we get our test castings produced in a lead free metal as well. All our past metals had a high Tin content, but could contain a small quantity of lead (typically no more than 5%). Even still, we cannot guarantee that any of our metal will be entirely lead free. Below is an picture of the shiny high quality metal we use.

Quelle: Midlam Miniatures auf Kickstarter


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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