von BK-Jonah | 21.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Malifaux

Malifaux: The Syzygy Sisters Preview

Wyrd Miniatures teilen eine neue Vorschau für Malifaux.

Waldo’s Weekly – All That’s Best of Dark and Bright

Hey Wyrdos!

This week, Waldo’s tried to convince us there are actually two of him. There’s our regular imp, and a suspicious fellow who looks very much like Waldo with a fake mustache. We think it’s his attempt to get more presents (and someone to blame his mischief on). While we try and figure out which is the real Waldo, let’s take a look at a new release that’s both youthful and ancient: The Syzygy Sisters.

The Syzygy Sisters

With The Syzygy Sisters, we did something a little different. In Malifaux, there are a few models that can shapeshift into another model like how Sightless Snow can become Ceddra or The Beast Within can become Ferdinand Vogel. There are also some models that gain buffing Upgrades when they Activate like Shenlong. The Syzygy Sisters are a unique blend of these mechanics. When they Activate, Entwined Destiny allows them to choose which of the two Phases of the Moon Upgrade they want Attached. These Upgrades buff The Syzygy Sisters, but they also radically change how they play on the table, to the point that it’s almost like facing a wholly different model!

Wyrd Miniatures The Syzygy Sisters Preview 1

Wyrd Miniatures The Syzygy Sisters Preview 2Wyrd Miniatures The Syzygy Sisters Preview 4

Even before adding Upgrades to the mix, The Syzygy Sisters are formidable. Their 6/6 stat line with Regeneration +1 means The Syzygy Sisters can take a beating. They’re adept at disruption thanks to Lure with the new Wax and Wane Trigger, and Moon’s Protection is a more versatile Heroic Intervention as it allows The Syzygy Sisters to take any Attack Action instead of just a melee. Adding to this, Fallow Night is something special. Being able to freely Drop a Scheme Marker within 6” of The Syzygy Sisters is a perfect way to secure a Scheme point or two. Combining these Actions together allow The Syzygy Sisters to seriously shake up a battlefield.

This is only half of what The Syzygy Sisters bring to the table, as adding the Upgrades unlocks their true potential. Each Upgrade has a similar structure to the other, providing some defense and offensive Abilities, a Trigger for Fallow Night, and a new Attack Action. A Pale Light gives The Syzygy Sisters Combat Finesse, Mobile Warrior and Pale Blade, which turns The Syzygy Sisters into an incredible melee threat. The Dark Stone Upgrade does a similar thing for ranged attacks, giving them Avoid Doom, Bullet Proof +2 and the Piercing Darkness ranged magical attack.

The changes to Fallow Night provided by the Upgrades are not to be overlooked. A Pale Light adds the Corrosive Touch Trigger to Fallow Night, while The Dark Stone adds Claimed by the Sea. These Triggers allow The Syzygy Sisters to switch between ranged Scheme Marker denial or ranged non-Scheme Marker removal in a flash.

The Syzygy Sisters earn their costly 10 Soulstone price through the sheer versatility their toolbox provides to a Crew. The cornerstone to this flexible playstyle is the new Perfect Form Ability. Perfect Form allows a player to choose one of The Syzygy Sisters’ Actions to be the Bonus Action for their Activation. A player experienced with the model will be able to use Perfect Form to seamlessly flow from one Action to the next with extreme efficiency. They can, for example, Attach the A Pale Light Upgrade, Push toward an enemy and take a swing with a Bonus Action Moon’s Protection, and follow it up with a couple of regular attacks. Or, they can Lure an enemy out of position before shooting them with Piercing Darkness, or hold the cards for Fallow Night to deny an opponent’s Scheme Marker after Walking twice.

Wyrd Miniatures The Syzygy Sisters Preview 3

Quite a fascinating pair, wouldn’t you say? The Sisters are available right now from your local game shop or the Wyrd webstore, if you’re looking to harness the power of the Neverborn moons.

And finally, with the year coming to a close this is our last Waldo’s Weekly until 2025! The Wyrd team will be taking a little break around that time as well, so expect some radio silence from December 24 until the first week of January.

That’s all for this year, Wyrdos. We here at Wyrd are wishing you a great holiday season, a Malifaux-filled new year, and enough time in between festivities to get some painting done!

Quelle: Wyrd Miniatures


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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