von BK-Bob | 28.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Great Grimoire: Little Kingdom

Diesen Monat gibt es ein gemischtes Angebot an Fantasy Miniaturen bei Great Grimoire.

Little Kingdom

GG Little Kingdom 1 GG Little Kingdom 2 GG Little Kingdom 3 GG Little Kingdom 4 GG Little Kingdom 5 GG Little Kingdom 6 GG Little Kingdom 7 GG Little Kingdom 8 GG Little Kingdom 9 GG Little Kingdom 10 GG Little Kingdom 11 GG Little Kingdom 12 GG Little Kingdom 13 GG Little Kingdom 14 GG Little Kingdom 15 GG Little Kingdom 16 GG Little Kingdom 17

“Let your dream devour your life, not your life devour your dream.”

Dearest friends! Our hearts overflow with gratitude for your unwavering support of our project! Each day, our dedicated team pours their passion into crafting new releases, though at times we may fall behind in responding to your kind messages. Your comments mean the world to us, serving as a beacon of inspiration to keep creating and pushing forward! Reflecting on our humble beginnings fills us with warmth, prompting us to unveil something truly extraordinary. With immense joy, we present to you our May release, „Little World“.

May release will consist in next models:

  • Prince Lior
  • Eternal bloom (a rose in 5 poses)
  • Ember Swift (the Fox)
  • Professor Geostride (the geographer)
  • The lamplighter
  • The King
  • The Snake
  • 2 bases
  • 1 special base “Moon”
  • Bust of Little Prince
  • Bust of Rose


Great Grimoire team.

Quelle: Great Grimoire bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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