von BK-Bob | 03.01.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Lost Kingdom Miniatures: Night Elves

Lost Kingdom präsentiert diesen Monat eine Elfen Variation bei Patreon.

LK Night Elves 1 LK Night Elves 2 LK Night Elves 3 LK Night Elves 4 LK Night Elves 5 LK Night Elves 6 LK Night Elves 7 LK Night Elves 8 LK Night Elves 9 LK Night Elves 10 LK Night Elves 11 LK Night Elves 12 LK Night Elves 13 LK Night Elves 14 LK Night Elves 15 LK Night Elves 16 LK Night Elves 17 LK Night Elves 18 LK Night Elves 19 LK Night Elves 20 LK Night Elves 21 LK Night Elves 22 LK Night Elves 23 LK Night Elves 24 LK Night Elves 25

January release preview

Here we bring you the PREVIEW for the month of January. This month we continue adding forces to the ranks of the bloodthirsty Night Elves. We are especially proud of these models and we have put all our dedication and love into them, so we hope you like them a lot!

January release:

– Tsuchinoko, Naga Priestress (50x50mm square base, 50mm round base)

– Yumi/Yari Naga CG (50x50mm square base, 50mm round base)

– Yumi/Yari Naga Regiment (50x50mm square base, 50mm round base)

– Fūma Shuriken Shinobi Hero (25x25mm square base, 25mm round base)

– Dākumūn Shinobi CG (25x25mm square base, 25mm round base)

– Dākumūn Shinobi Regiment (25x25mm square base, 25mm round base)

They will be available around January 10-11th, WITH and WITHOUT supports 😉

Quelle: Lost Kingdom Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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