von BK-Pascal | 14.07.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Great Grimoire: Juli Patreon

Great Grimoire haben ein neues STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

Greatgrimoirejul1 Greatgrimoirejul2 Greatgrimoirejul3 Greatgrimoirejul4 Greatgrimoirejul5 Greatgrimoirejul6 Greatgrimoirejul7 Greatgrimoirejul8 Greatgrimoirejul9 Greatgrimoirejul10 Greatgrimoirejul11 Greatgrimoirejul12 Greatgrimoirejul13 Greatgrimoirejul14

One-eyed Richie (35mm) – already available, pre-supports will be ready soon

Peg Leg Pete (35mm) – already available, pre-supports will be ready soon

Sally, the Vigilant Navigator (35mm – standing and 75mm – on the conning tower)Samuel O’Fish (35mm) already available, pre-supports will be ready soon

Underwater Sentinels:

  • Jellyfish Guardian (35mm), pre-supports will be ready soon
  • Ballerina stinger and Tangle stinger(35mm) – pre-supports will be ready soon!
  • Ballerina caster(35mm) – pre-supports will be ready soon!
  • Man-o-War guardian attack pose (35m
  • m) – pre-supports will be ready soon!
  • Man-o-War guardian defense pose(35mm) – pre-supports will be ready soon!

Undead Horde:

  1. Undead Pirate (35mm) – already available, pre-supports will be ready soon
  2. Undead Gunner (35mm) -already available, pre-supports will be ready soon
  3. Drowned Pirate (35mm) -already available, pre-supports will be ready soon
  4. Rotten Pirate  (35mm) -already available, pre-supports will be ready soon
  5. Undead spirit (35mm) already available, pre-supports will be ready soon
  • Primordial One (35mm) already available, pre-supports will be ready soon

Bust of Sally, the Vigilant Navigator already available, pre-supports will be ready soon

Bust of Peg Leg Pete – already available, pre-supports will be ready soon

Special Bases x 3 –already available, pre-supports will be ready soon

5e stat blocks- already available

Quelle: Great Grimoire auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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