von BK-Thorsten | 03.04.2022 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Terrain / Gelände

TTCombat: Neuheiten

TTCombat haben einige Neuheiten für Rumbleslam und neues MDF-Gelände.

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These filthy vermin make the ring a real mess. The slight Ralchemist isn’t much of a fighter, but with the hulking Rodentia Bubonica they spread poison around the ring. A Dusk Runner uses it for fighting and the Mole-Rat Pugilist absorbs it. A Ring Rat will rally the crowd, and there’s even a Sewer Rat to help!

The Feral Den is a dirty place, and none are dirtier than the Rotten Rodents! An expansion team for the Furry Fury, these wrestlers bring a whole lot to your games.

Utilising a unique mechanic, the Rotten Rodents rely on Poison Tokens to do their dirty work. Each uses them in a different way, and they just make the ring a particularly hazardous place for your opponent!

The Ralchemist throws Poison Bombs around the arena, spreading the plague with every single one of her skills! A Dusk Runner is another WEIGHT 1 wrestler, and is possibly the fastest wrestler in the game. He uses Poison Tokens to assassinate his foes.

The WEIGHT 2 rats don’t make Poison Tokens, but instead suck them up! The Mole-Rat Pugilist can carry Poison Tokens around and either use them to replenish 2 Stamina per token, or expel them to hit everyone nearby! Meanwhile the Ring Rat encourages the team’s Crowd Pleasers and turns Poison Tokens into re-rolls.

The biggest model of the set is the Rodentia Bubonica who spreads Poison as it moves, and increases the damage output of all Poison Tokens while in the ring! It’s a hefty wrestler that provides a lot of support and toughness to an otherwise fragile casino.

Oh and if that’s not enough plague for you, there’s also a tiny Sewer Rat who spreads Poison Tokens as well! Cute! Sort of.

Contains 6 resin miniatures with 6 clear acrylic bases, 6 character cards, and 6 acrylic tokens. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

TTCombat DrBlightLabRat 01 TTCombat DrBlightLabRat 02 TTCombat DrBlightLabRat 03 TTCombat DrBlightLabRat 04


The Doctor will see you now… although you might not want to see him!

Dr Blight is a dirty rat in every meaning! He’ll pump his subjects full of a mysterious liquid, filling them full of poison! He also treats everyone like his subjects, whether they’re willing or not! His scientific knowledge in unparalleled, and he increases the potency of all Poison Tokens in the ring. He doesn’t like getting down and dirty though, preferring to step over other wrestlers and poison on the floor using his stilts.

Dr Blight brings with him a single Lab Rat from his experiments. Although considering his skittish nature, who knows what he’s been doing to this poor rat this time? It could be steroids, weight gain solution, or simply just testing the latest cosmetics. Note: RUMBLESLAM does not condone actual animal testing!

Contains 2 resin miniatures, 2 character cards, and 2 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

TTCombat Rattenfanger 01 TTCombat Rattenfanger 02 TTCombat Rattenfanger 03 TTCombat Rattenfanger 04 TTCombat Rattenfanger 05 TTCombat Rattenfanger 06


 What’s that intoxicating tune? It’s Rattenfänger’s entrance music! And it’s just getting louder and louder. Makes me want to jump up and dance!

Have you ever wanted to control your own merry band of rats in the ring? Well now’s your chance! Rattenfänger is followed by three different rats, and can be followed by your whole team if you play the right song!

A support wrestler through and through, Rattenfänger has the ability to move friendly wrestlers around the ring, summon his rat friends to help, and recover Stamina or dish out -AP counters depending on what kind of song he plays!

Rattenfänger’s rat friends don’t really do that much on their own. They’re not going to win you any games, that’s for sure. The Gutter Rat is incredibly fast and can reposition your other wrestlers at the end of the round. The Pack Rat provides helpful re-rolls, and the Sack Rat encourages your team to take micro-naps to restore Stamina! And what’s more: all of these little rodents are Rookies, so you can take them in a game even without Rattenfänger if you want!

Contains 4 resin miniatures, 4 character cards, and 4 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

TTCombat SirScratchFlagon 01 TTCombat SirScratchFlagon 02


Weighing in at 150lbs- sorry, 15lbs without the armour – it’s probably the nicest wrestler in all of the Feral Den: Sir Scratch Flagon!

Sir Scratch Flagon is an honourable mouse in a den of rats. He brings an insane level of Defence to your team, as he is wearing a full suit of armour! With a full roster of special abilities he’ll make the most of his turn, but he can also dive in the way of an opponent’s attacks! Swap him out with a friendly rat when they’re hit, and watch the attack bounce off his pristine armour and fancy shield.

Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

TTCombat TrashRatus 01 TTCombat TrashRatus 02


Hanging out with Trash Ratus is an invitation to a rollercoaster of a good time! She’ll treat you right… right up until she changes her mind and throws you out with the trash!

Trash is a Superstar unlike any other! Glamorous and also super trashy, she is flaunting that garbage chic.

Trash is a fantastic all-rounder, combining speed and strength with some incredibly useful support moves. She adds some great skills to your team with Barking Bulldog’s Knockdown and Chick Kick’s Dazed. But Ratusphere is her signature move. She can stop an enemy from performing a Turnbuckle attack by throwing them off the Turnbuckle and back into the ring before they get a chance!

Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

TTCombat Ruineddrivein 01 TTCombat Ruineddrivein 02 TTCombat Ruineddrivein 03 TTCombat Ruineddrivein 04 TTCombat Ruineddrivein 05 TTCombat Ruineddrivein 06 TTCombat Ruineddrivein 07


In the olden times we would go to the drive-in to watch a movie. It’s just a derelict ruin now filled with marauders and mayhem.

Do you want comfort, the biggest screen ever and hands down the best experience while watching a new movie? Well don’t come to this drive-in, we have none of these things anymore. What we do have though is a high vantage point, great cover areas and an unsuspecting hideout for all those sneaky folks on the tabletop.

This kit is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern and post-apocalypse 28-35mm wargames.

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We need something big, multi-levelled and open if this plan is going to work.
I know just the place!

The Ruined Multi-Storey Parking Lot is a wargamer’s dream! All the open area you could possibly desire coupled with loads of direct line of sight blockers. Designed with modularity in mind, you’re able to put them side by side or stack them up tall. Already own the Multi-Storey Parking Lot? Why not add a war-torn area to the top or even the side? They’re both fully compatible!

This kit is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern and post-apocalypse 28-35mm wargames.

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WOOOOOOWEE almost quitting time!

We’re all about construction now. Take charge of your next building project with these glamorous Construction Cabins! With a single office, accessible office and double sized office for ops, all your construction needs can be met. Might I add these are all outfitted with aircon and removable roofs? Also included in this kit is some outdoor lighting for your construction jobs to go late into the night.

This kit is made from 3mm MDF, easy to put together and looks great on the tabletop. Great scenery to use with modern and post-apocalypse 28-35mm wargames.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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