von Buschgroll | 26.05.2012 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Urban War: Mai Neuheiten

Urban Mammoth hat seine aktuellen Neuerscheinungen nun zur Bestellung freigegeben.

Urban War - Vulcan Gladiators Urban War - Dune Raider Urban War - Dune Raider Pillager

Vulcan Gladiators: 8 GBP
Dune Raider: 15 GBP
Dune Raider Pillager: 15 GBP

Außerdem gibt es noch einige Ankündigungen:

Order your April releases now and later this month we’ll have the May releases as well as a special pre-order offer for the big release we have all been waiting for, the new faction!

The Neo-Iskandrian Starter Strike-Team will be released in June, followed by monthly blister releases in order to bring the faction model choices up to the level of the other factions.

Order your April releases now and check out the upcoming releases on our New Releases schedule.

Link: Urban Mammoth


Buschgroll/Michael, Brückenkopf Redakteur. Seit 2002 im Hobby. Erstes Tabletop: Warhammer 40k. Aktuelle Projekte: Adeptus Sororitas (40k), Covenant of Antarctica (Dystopian Wars) und viele Geländeteile.

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